Start from the beginning

          His mouth opened slightly, forming a small o shape. His eyes were slightly wide and she cocked her head to the side in confusion. He coughed before speaking. "Sorry. I was kind of just running through the fact that a girl called me sexy for the first time."

          She laughed, rolling her eyes. Carson then scooted closer to him, placing on hand on his shoulder while tangling the other through his hair. "Girls should be telling you that all day. Just know that you're mine."

         "Oh, I'm yours, am I?" he smirked, his arms winding themselves around her waist.

          "All mine. I don't know if you've heard, but I'm not really keen on sharing, babe," she breathed out, loving the fact that his face was nearing hers more and more.

          He nodded slightly, kissing the corner of her mouth teasingly. "I could be perfectly okay with that."

          She barely was able to let out a giggle before his lips touched hers fully. This kissing thing had only gotten ten times better over the summer. They had had a lot of time to perfect every angle, every movement of lips, every level of passion. And yet, Stiles still managed to take her breath away every time. She had been left gasping for air so many times over the past few months that she was starting to think it could affect her health in the long run.

          It wasn't like they spent every waking hour kissing. No, they did go out and socialize and do activities and shit like that. They would do stuff like go on dates, which basically involved some random movie and dinner or lunch. They weren't always together, with her going out to have girl time with Lydia, who was demanding about it. Stiles would practice lacrosse with Scott. And sometimes the two of them did things with Scott together, who was more or less really clingy towards them since he didn't have Allison anymore.

          Allison had gone to France for the summer with her father, to do bonding or something along those lines. None of them had contact with her except Lydia. And Lydia wasn't really big on sharing. It wasn't like Allison hated Carson all of a sudden or anything. It was more or less Lydia choosing not to divulge information on her because she was apparently on 'Team Scott'. She clearly had missed the memo about the team sorting but what she did know was that Lydia was trying to distract the archer from her ex as much as possible.

          So instead of the duo of girls having regular Skype dates with their traveling friend, which had been the original idea between the three, Lydia wanted to spend solo girl time with Carson and Allison separately. She claimed Carson was out on planet Stiles way too much and she was doing her a favor by bringing her back to Earth. Plus, she's been lonely since Jackson left.

          The newest werewolf in the brood had come back to life officially, making every doctor that operated on him look like a giant idiot. Derek had been forced to take him under his wing, showing him the whole werewolf ropes ordeal. And then the Whittemore family shipped Jackson off to London, figuring it was better to get him away. So while he was off being an American werewolf in London, Lydia was left solo. She wasn't in that clingy state like Scott was, though. No in fact, she went through about twenty or so guys within a three month period. And of course Stiles and Carson were forced to double with them.

          But other than that, you couldn't really blame Stiles and Carson for constantly kissing each other. She loved kissing him and she was pretty sure he liked kissing her back. Or at least that's what she was inferring from the occasional moans he let slip. And there was also that one 'tent in the pants' incident they had had after one particularly heated session. But according to Stiles, she wasn't allowed to mention that. She literally almost had to take a blood oath to not tell Scott that Stiles had gotten a boner.

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