Chapter 8

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"What the Hell, hey E, I've just found a room worse than ours," Mal says, for Hades sake I forgot about this hideous room. Carlos, losing interest in the room, turns on the TV and it begins showing the news

'79 dead from causes unknown, believed to be some kind of toxic chemical in the rain,' I freeze 79 dead?! I did that! I killed 79 people, I always thought I'd feel happy when I made my first kill but instead I just feel... empty, this isn't how dad explained it, he said the feeling of killing someone is amazing, I don't feel anything, shouldn't I feel something? Happiness? Thrill? Anger? Guilt? Despair? The TV continues 'UK residents are being advised to stay indoors until the rain has passed,' it should be over soon... it's been almost 2 hours, that's half the time,

"Earth to Viviana," Jay says, waving his hand in front of my face, should I tell them? No, I don't know why but ever since we arrived in Auradon I've felt like I shouldn't trust them, every time one of them speaks I feel like they're hiding something themselves but something tells me that they have worse secrets than I, almost as if they're edging over to the other side, the disgusting side, the good side and the feeling won't shake. I feel like I shouldn't even tell them about my magic. Is it my father making me think that through the Dark Mark? Or am I having my own doubts about them? I look back at the room, I can't let them know I have magic but this room desperately needs to change,

"M?" I say, Mal can just do it for me,

"Yeah?" she says, not taking her eyes off of the hideous bed,

"Wanna do me a favour?" She turns quickly with a horrified expression on her face, "Gee, calm down, M, was going to see if you wanted to renovate this room, I mean look at it, it's hardly liveable is it?" I snap, her face changes almost as fast as her moods,

"Gladly, what are you wanting?" she comes closer and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Just close your eyes, picture how you want it and it'll happen," I do as she says and think about a black and bright green room, I open my eyes and see the horrid pinks walls change to a brilliant green with black and the same green decor

"Gladly, what are you wanting?" she comes closer and puts a hand on my shoulder, "Just close your eyes, picture how you want it and it'll happen," I do as she says and think about a black and bright green room, I open my eyes and see the horrid pi...

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I see everyone's faces widen in awe and notice my own doing the same, it's almost perfect, the only downside is that it's in Auradon. Mal turns to me

"V, we need to get you cleaned up," oh, right, I forgot about that, I wonder what happened to Teddy, where'd he go? Evie let's out an unintentional squeak and everyone looks at her

"I don't like blood that much," she breathes, "is it okay if I-" she says, standing up and edging towards the door, she doesn't finish her sentence but we all know what she's talking about, I nod and she runs into the door, let's out an awkward laugh, opens it and runs from the room, Carlos stands up too,

"I'll make sure she's alright," he says, slipping out the door and going in the same direction before we could respond, I laugh at them both, idiots. It takes exactly 7 minutes and 16 seconds for Mal to 'convince' Jay to leave too, 'convince' meaning shouting and arguing until he gave in, he gives my shoulder a squeeze before walking out of the door and going in the opposite direction to Evie and Carlos. Mal disappears into the bathroom and comes back with a 'first aid kit' what the Hell is that? She sits down on my new bed and beckons me over, something's on her mind, she wants to talk about something, only me, if there wasn't then she wouldn't have sent Jay out. I sit beside her as she digs through the small green box, she finally brings out a small packet that reads 'wound cleansing wipe' I eye it suspiciously as she rips it open

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