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Once upon a time, long, long ago... well, more like 20 years ago... Belle married her Beast in front of 6,000 of their closest personal friends. Big cake. Yeah, so instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected king of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks... basically all the really interesting people... and he booted them off to the isle of the lost
with a magical barrier to keep them there. This is my hood. No magic. No wi-fi. No way out. Or so I thought.

I know, you've probably heard this exact thing before right, well, that's Mal's (daughter of the oh so famous villain Maleficent) story. This is mine. My name is Viviana Lestrange, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Marvolo Riddle, The Dark Lord, you-know-who, he-who-must-not-be-named, Voldemort, Lord Voldemort, Moldywarts, (however I don't recommend Moldywarts, he almost killed Jay (son of Jafar) for calling him that), but other than Moldywarts, call him what ever the hell you want to call him, I was somehow 'blessed' with the ability to call him none of the names above, I get to call him 'dad'.

Yeah. So fun. Okay, I'm playing the victim card slightly, he's not actually that bad for an Isle of the Lost parent, he's only intolerable when he thinks about his wand, or his power, or Harry Potter, or Hogwarts, or how 'Harry Potter is living a life of luxury while we're stuck here', or Albus Dumbledore, or Severus Snape (he still hasn't got over his 'betrayal' against the Death Eaters), or muggles, or mudbloods, or half-bloods (even though he's one himself, judgemental prick), or... actually I'm not going to say any more, we'll be here for a week and 6 days before I finish the list.

I inherited my mom's features mainly, ears, lips, nose (thank Hades), and hair colour (my hair is extremely straight though) the only way we're different is I'm paler, different hair style and with the only thing that I inherited from my dad; my bright, red eyes.

This may make it easier, heres me...

This may make it easier, heres me

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Okay... So maybe I don't look as much like her as I thought I did. School photos for you I guess.

Now, let's move on to something that is actually interesting and relevant to my story, ah yes, King Bens announcement. '4 children of the worst villains shall come to Auradon' yeah it was actually 5, and in case you haven't guessed it yet, the fifth was me. I ruined the chances of everyone getting off of the Isle. Oh well. Just because Mal and Evie and Carlos and Jay we're so easy to convince to stay in Auradon and trade they're super amazing carefree lives on the Isle for boring always-on-a-schedule lives in a School of all places, doesn't mean I'll stay. I'm not good and sweet like Carlos. I'm not easily lovable and hot like Jay. I'm not fashionable and popular like Evie. I'm not perfect like Mal. I'm me. And I am the opposite to all of those, I'm bad and sarcastic, hateable and ug- actually no I'm as hot as the fire on Hades' head, I'm always in the same style black dresses and very unpopular, and VERY imperfect. I'm a mess compared to the 'core four'. I'm a nothing. But I don't care. They went soft, I didn't so I win.

Anywho, you know Mal's story, and caught brief moments of Evie's, Carlos' and Jay's stories as they spent their time in Auradon so it's only fair that you see the fifth descendants story as she spent her time in Auradon.

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