Chapter 1

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I take an apple from the stand and walk away slowly, staring at the woman stood behind the stall, daring her to mention the stolen good. Well, stolen 'good' is a bit of an over exaggeration. Nothing on the Isle is 'good'. I take a bite from the apple to find it soft, moldy and disgusting. I look down at it and see it's almost black towards the centre, hmm, black like my soul. I smile a small smile at the remark and take another bite of the apple.

I continue walk a few more paces to a back alley, my usual route, throwing the now completely black core at someone's window and widening the hole that I made yesterday. I hear the satisfying crack and smile again. I keep walking till I run into Madam Mim's Market, I slow myself and gaze at the objects with no value that she is selling for more objects with no value, I gaze at the objects, like I do everyday, run my hand along the first thing my eye catches, like I do everyday, give a slight smirk to Madam Mim that she returns, like I do everyday, I'm about to turn away empty handed, like I do everyday but a small lamp catches my eye towards the back of the table, where Madam Mim's elbow rests, that'll be perfect for Jay, well, Jafar. I guess if I were to get him the lamp then he'd forgive me for not being in his silly song and dance, Mal, Evie and Carlos are also pissed at me for not being in the dance but Jay's the only one I can tolerate, the rest could fall into shark infested water and I'd probably laugh, I'd probably laugh if Jay fell in too but I'd eventually help him up. I ask Madam Mim for the lamp and she throws it to me, I examine it and decide to get it for him, I throw her a piece of wood with a snake carved into it and a string going through a small hole to make it a necklace and she grunts in approval, I wouldn't steal from Madam Mim, she can be cool, but only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I put the lamp on a hook hanging from my dress and turn down the next dark alley.

I'm lost in my own world when I hear something I am sick of hearing, I turn the last corner into the barn and see Mal and Evie trying to make themselves look intimidating as Jay swings from a high wooden beam and Carlos stands still as Jay whoops and continues the routine, he jumps down and runs into the street, Mal, Evie and Carlos following right behind him, I know what's coming next so take my time, this highly advanced dance routine will take a while anyway, I make it to the front of the audience just as they begin to sing again and I can't help but hum along to the catchy beat. Their performance finishes and Mal steals a lollipop from a baby and turns to show it to the crowd, ooh so evil, I don't know how I'll ever be able to compete with her. I hear a few laughs that quickly turn to screams and I see Evie's, Carlos' and Jay's faces drop, I roll my eyes and scoff, knowing perfectly well it's 'the mistress of all evil'. Mal turns and greets her mother, a look of anxiety on her face "hi mom,"

Maleficent emerges from behind her 'Knuckleheads' and sends a disapproving comment towards her daughter
"Stealing candy Mal? I'm so disappointed" emphasizing on the 'so'. I roll my eyes again and turn to face the horned woman, she sees how long it took for me to turn to face her and gives me a stern and disgusted look, I raise an eyebrow and slightly tip my head, I'm not going to pretend to be intimidated by her when the scariest thing she owns are her Knuckleheads. She snarls before turning her attention back to Mal

"It was from a baby," Mal says hopefully.

"Ah, that's my nasty little girl," she says enthusiastically and I already know what's coming, more pointless, boring, unnecessary dramatics about how it's not good enough. I'm right. She takes the lollipop from Mal, sticks it under her armpits and demands it be given back to the 'dreadful creature',

"Mom..." Mal says sadly

"It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truly evil" she sings, "when I was your age I was"
"Cursing entire kingdoms" Maleficent, Mal and I all say at the same time, I'm sure Evie, Carlos and Jay would join in but they're terrified of Maleficent. Maleficent glares at me before turning back to Mal

"You. Walk with me. See, I'm just, just trying to teach you the thing that really counts... how to be me." I roll my eyes again, I would say I really need to stop doing that but my eyes only roll when they feel the need to.

"I know that. And I'll do better." Mal promises quietly.

"Oh! There's news! I buried the lede. You five have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon." Maleficent blurts out and a smile forms on her face as she watches Evie, Carlos and Jay try to run from her and Mal stands shocked, her eyes scan over them and her smile drops instantly as she sees I've kept my cool, she huffs as Mal starts to speak

"What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" She says with a look of disgust on her face.

"And perfect princes." Evie smiles brightly before retracting her statement with an "ugh" when she sees Mals face. I just laugh at the pair.

"Yeah, and I don't do uniforms. Unless It's leather. You feel me?" Jay pipes in expecting to get a high five from Carlos but is ignored as Carlos let's his fears take over him.

"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom said they're rabid pack animals who eat boys who don't behave." he says anxiously, I listen to Carlos before noticing Jay coming over to me so I can give him the high five. The eye roll makes another comeback and I give him a small one.

"Your awfully quiet, anything to comment on this Viviana?" Maleficent says, hoping to get an amusing reaction

"Nah, I only waste my breath on people who matter," I see Maleficents, Evie's and Carlos' faces drop and eyes widen, hear Mal gasp slightly and almost burst out laughing as I see Jay spit out the drink he was just having and choking on it.

"Mom, we're not going!" Mal states and I almost die of shock, Mal just said that to Maleficent, about time I say.

"Oh, you're thinking small, pumpkin." Maleficent continues, acting as if that didn't just happen. "It's all about world domination. Knuckleheads! Mal..." she says, then shouts, then sings while motioning for us to follow her.

Mal, Evie and Carlos walk slightly in front of Jay and I in complete silence as Jay and I make small conversation before I give him the lamp, he looks at it greedily and snatches it from my hand and hides it in his pocket
"Jay, calm down, jeez I gave it to you, I'm not going to take it back," I laugh and he tilts his head.

"You will go. You will find the Fairy Godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy peasy." Maleficent states while filing her nails.

"What's in it for us?" Mal asks, crossing her arms

"Matching thrones. Hers-and-hers crowns." Maleficent says as though it should be the most obvious answer. Oh Hades don't do it, don't roll your eyes, try to fight it, nope too late, rolled more than they've ever rolled before.

"Um, I... I think she meant us." Carlos almost whispers.

"It's all about you and me, baby. Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" Maleficent says to Mal, I don't know about Mal but I definitely do enjoy watching innocent people suffer

"Well, yeah. I mean, who doesn't..." Mal starts before she is cut off.

"Well, then get me the wand and you and I can see all that and so much more. And with that wand and my scepter, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" She shouts causing the eye roll again.

"Our will." Evil Queen pipes up, making me remember that everyone's parent(s) came here about 15 minutes ago

"Our will, our will." she agrees reluctantly, she turns back to Mal "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life, missy." she smirks

"What... mom..." Mal starts to protest before she is challenged to have a staring contest, weird family.

"Fine. Whatever." she gives in after a few seconds, wow that was easy.

I make my way to Voldemort and Bellatrix and I see a faint line of a smile on my dad's face, and I see my mom's eyes go soft as she pulls me in for a hug, she's a good mom, just a bit of a lunatic, she pulls away and my dad says 1 thing
"Give them Hell." Oh don't worry, I fully intend too.

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