Knocks on the Door

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I lunged forward, stabbing my imaginary dragon witch right through the gut and delivering the killing blow. I held my sword up so that the light caught it. I still couldn't get over how gorgeous it was, especially since my face was reflected in the blade.

I jumped at the knock on the door. My heartbeat sped up as I wondered who it could be. Virgil maybe. At that thought I smiled and dropped my hands to my side, sword still clutched in my left one. I checked my reflection in the full length mirror and ran my hand over my hair to fix the stray hair that Thomas had jokingly called Linda. When I deemed myself fit I went to open the door. 

"What's up, V.." I trailed off as I saw that it was definitely not Virgil at the door.

"The sky, kiddo," Patton said cheerily. A gave him a half smile and hoped that he didn't notice how my face dropped as he entered the room.

"Has Logan turned up yet?" I asked. Maybe he was here to deliver some good news but I still wished that it had been Virgil. He stood close to the door like he was ready to flee at any moment. His eyes were on his reflection in the mirror.

"No. I haven't seen him anywhere." He said it without looking away from himself and almost in a monotone voice. This struck me as odd. "I'm kinda scared, what if we don't find him?" His voice was now flooded with so much emotion that I dismissed my suspicions as me just mishearing him.

He was turned towards me, face contorted like he was in pain. I stepped forward and placed my hands around him.

"Hey, it's going to be fine, Patton," I reassured. "We're still together and we have Virgil too. We will find Logan no matter what. I'm sure that he just needed to go somewhere to think. He'll be back soon." I hope so, I thought.

Patton pulled back just far enough to see my face. "Thanks, I really needed that." A smile spread over his face and then turned into a startling chuckle. My blood ran cold as I vaguely recognized the sound.

"Patton? Patton are you okay?" I tried to pull away but his grip tightened around my arms until it was almost painful. I dropped my sword in surprise as he began to change. His face seemed to melt away like wax running down from a burning candle, until his scaly face was finally revealed.

I gritted my teeth as dark clouds traveled towards me. "Deceit. I should have known." Me eyes went to my weapon which was now by my feet but my arms were still firmly in his grip.

"You never did seem useful for much, Creativity," he snarled. The tendrils of black crept up my body and over my face but not before I heard the knock on the door, so light I thought it was my imagination.

"Roman." My heart melted at the sound of Virgil's voice. I wanted to yell at him to run, to get far away from here but my mouth was covered and it came out as a dull groan. "Roman. I need to talk to you." Then everything went dark.

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