As Good as You Need Me to Be

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Warning- Mention of self harm scars. This chapter is kind of short, sorry about that.

"Ah, Deceit! How did your little check up go?" He was seated at a throne in the center of the room. The throne itself looked like it was made out of black smoke, created by his influence over the dark part of the mindscape. The figure was in the seat with the hood of his ever present hoodie up and his bangs hanging in his face.

"It was very.....enlightening," I decided. He gave a chuckle before standing up. Seeing Anxiety again had shocked me because of how similar they looked. Of course we all had the same face, Thomas's face, but each of us had defining characteristics. They had the same hair, bangs covering their eyes, dark clothing, and hoodies. They even wore the same style of makeup. Anxiety's eyeshadow was smeared down while his ringed his eye and then appeared to melt down his cheek.

"Absolutely disgusting then?" he asked. I smiled as he did.

"Horrifyingly so," I agreed. He turned toward the window which overlooked the dismal city. Crowded and dirty streets between tiny gray shacks. That was where the lesser dark sides lived. I shook away the memories of being one of them.

"And our dear Anxiety? Anything new or a reason for his quietness over the years?" I swallowed, trying to decide if I should tell him the truth. His moods were always unpredictable and violent. Giving him the news would certainly trigger one but if I did lie to him and he found out about it...

"Anxiety is....... well different. I guess." He turned back to me, puzzled.

"How so?" he asked. My gloved hands fiddled with the brim of my hat. I didn't want to tell him and my personality was fueling that.

"He'd changed.He's more like them. I think we should end this now before it goes any farther. I was spying on him earlier today. He was with the creative one. They were in the garden, laughing and smiling." He worriedly ran his hands through his hair and turned back to the dark view.

"That's not possible, Anxiety can't be. Are you sure he's not acting the part? Going along with the crowd like he always does?"

"I'm positive of it. When I visited him last night he got very defensive of Morality, when I mentioned his name, Anx snapped at me," I added. He walked over to me, his face now dangerously close to mine. I could almost feel his breath on my cheek. "And he had a card, made by Morality, sitting on his dresser. It had childish drawings of him with the light sides, holding their hands," I muttered, disgusted. How could Anxiety just turn his back on his people like this?

He ran his hands through his hair again, exposing the lines of thin scars up and down his arms. "It's been years since we sent Anxiety on this mission and so far there's been nothing. I told you that we should have sent me in the first place."

"Quiet, Deceit. I need to think for a bit." I nodded and retreated to the door where I stood, waiting for his answer. Finally he set his hands at his side and spoke up.

"Fine then we will have to do this another way. Anx was obviously not strong enough to take on this mission and now they've........brainwashed him into believing that he can be one of them. Well it needs to end now. I'm done waiting to take over, we need to take action soon." He turned back to me with an evil gleam in his eyes. "How good have you gotten at imitating the other sides, Deceit?"

I smiled and chuckled.

"As good as you need me to be, Depression."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Video on top is written and performed by Molly Young Edited by Allie Pentz On the channel Allie Creates. I love this fan made song so much.

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