Chapter 7 [Midoriya]

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"Not long ago, my hunters detected a strange presence on one of our hunting session. And yesterday I accidentaly heard about this 'Nomu' from you, Midoriya." Shouto's gaze was straight like it was piercing my eyes. And once again it freezed me on the spot.

"Erhm-hm" Kirishima cleared his throat. He still looked tense but I wouldn't miss that mischief light in his red eyes.

I blushed a bit while trying to calm my raging heart beat. "S-so you were still there when I talked to Kirishima about Nomu?" I asked him. "I thought you had left me," I added only in my heart though.

Shouto nodded his head. Even just for a bit I could see a slight regret in his expressionless face.

"I don't know exactly about this Nomu, but I concluded from your conversation that what my hunters saw was it," he said.

"What exactly your hunter saw?" Kirishima asked.

Shouto looked at the jet black haired boy. Tokoyami cleared his throat and started talking. "Let me explain in place of Todoroki sama," he started.

"It was in our hunting session yesterday night that we encountered a strange figure. I could show you the glimpsr of the figure if you want," he said.

My feeling became anxious from hearing what Tokoyami had said. Kirishima's grip on my hand turned my attention back to reality.

"You're trembling. Are you okay, Midoriya?" he asked purely out of worry.

I smiled weakly and nodded my head. I didn't even know what cause my feeling to be that unsettled but I had to get a grip of myself. All Might wasn't here anymore to keep the kingdom's peace. I had to at least be able to stand on my own two feet as the new symbol of peace.

"Please show it to us, Tokoyami kun," I said.

Tokoyami nodded his head and jet black mist started to form around him. The dark mist swirled around and formed a giant black bird.

"Black shadow, please grant us your sight of that night," Tokoyami said.


Hearing a nature spirit's voice was a common thing for me. But that was the first time I heard it that clear in my mind.

My vision started to blur until it became a total darkness. No. Not total darkness. My vision started to adapt to the dark surrounding. I wasn't moving my head but the scene in my eyes were moving super fast that I felt dizzy. I tried to count the trees to distract my mind but I gave up after a minute.

When I thought I was going to puke, the shifting scenery stopped still. I could still feel myself sitting in the warm cottage, but when my gaze fell on that particular creature I felt all the senses in my body telling me to run away.

Darkness wasn't even enough to describe it. I knew it was just an illusion, but even just that it was enough to show me how dangerous this creature was.

Not long after that I could feel my sight going back to normal. I saw around and found both Kaminari and Yaoyorozu shivering.

I was about to calm them down when a loud noise came from my side. Kirishima stood from his chair and he had the most serious face I had ever seen in his face.

"What's wrong, Kir-"

"That's nomu, Midoriya," he said grabbing my hand. "I could swear in Bakugou's name that that was nomu."

Kirishima, blessed with the ability to travel beyond worlds and long life, must had seen one in his entire life. Unlike him. I had never seen one, but with what I had learnt so far there wouldn't be anything more fit with nomu's definition but that thing we just saw.

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