Chapter 1 [Midoriya]

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Midoriya P.o.V

"Izuku, are you sure?" My mom kept asking me the same questions since this morning. I took out some more books and my stuffs I would like to keep.

"Kirishima kun, please say something too!" Mom begged my red hair companion, Kirishima. I could see Kirishima stiffened in his place unable to look at my Mom.

When she saw that Kirishima wouldn't be able to help her, she turned back to me. "Izuku you have been strange since the King called you! Please, reconsider this Izuku..."

I stopped my hand and looked up at my mom. Her eyes were wet and red. This was heartbreaking, but I couldn't bear the thought of having to leave her alone in misery. I didn't want to make her go through what I felt when All Might left this world. Especially how I wouldn't be able to ease her sadness when I were the source of that unhappiness.

It was unfair for her.

My eyes layed on one of the particular book I just got today. There was no title on the dark green book, but I knew what was inside. It was the book that let me use 'One for All' spell.

"Midoriya my boy, you are my descendant. You are the next 'One for All' mage in this kingdom."

I remembered what All Might had said to me on his death bed. Knowing that my long life teacher was on the brink of death door was already taking all my might from crying out loud. But hearing All Might's last word, that was like a sudden death sentence for me. I didn't expect that the King called me in secret for that one reason.

I didn't want anyone to cry. I didn't want anyone to feel hurt when I had to go one day.

And this was the only solution I got in my petty brain.

"Please, Izuku. Don't go," she begged me.

Seeing my mom begging me and even crying like this was wavering my judgement. But, I couldn't be egoist.

I walked toward her. A sad smile on my face. "I will always remember you, mom," I whispered on her ear as I hug her tight. I would miss this warm hug.

"No, Izuku. Don't..." I didn't let her finish her sentence as I made her sleep with one of my spell.

"I love you Mom," I said before I kissed her forehead.

"Midoriya..." Kirishima called out to me, his voice was unusually quiet. "Running away is not the answer."

My heart thumped. Yeah. I knew from the start my choice was a cowardice one. This was only running away. I chose to just bury my problem and running away from the bitter reality.

I brushed off Kirishima's words and walked toward my house roof. Thankfully, Kirishima knew me well to leave me alone when I needed it the most.

The sky was dark, but the moon light and the twinkling stars were clear. I always love the scenery from this place. When the sky was clear like this, sometime Iida like to come here with Uraraka and we would spend the night stargazing.

"Midoriya, look! That star is so pretty!"

"That's polaris! People from old time use that star to find their way since it always point to the north. Actually that's part of a bigger constellation..."

And that's where me and Uraraka would laugh seeing how excited Iida always got. He was a star geek.

I would miss them.

"SHUT UP, YOU OLD HAG!" My day dream was interrupted by loud noise from the house beside mine.

Kacchan and his Mom lived there. It was normal to hear their bickering even at late hour.

Although he was rude and rough as a childhood friend, Kacchan was my ideal. What would he do if he was in my place? Would he take the same decision? Or maybe...

"Shut your mouth, you fucking Deku! You always think too much and speak like creep!"

I gulped.

Yeah. I had to be strong like him. Thinking too much also wouldn't get me anywhere. I couldn't turn back now.

I stood up and let my arms stretched outward. With my eyes closed I let my power seeped out, the night breeze let me concentrate easier. Warm feeling engulfed me. This would hurt me a lot than usual with how big the magic I was about to use.

It was a bit scary now knowing where my magic power came from.


I opened my eyes. Each strings connected to my arms shattered slowly. I waited until the last strings connected to all my precious person dissapeared, leaving only some strings of fate that even One for All couldn't cut it.

"You make the right decision, Izuku," I said to myself. "And you make the most stupid decision, Izuku."

I sighed. No turning back now.

I walked down from the roof toward the living room. Kirishima was no where to be seen, seems like he had gone out to prepare all the thing we would need from now on. I was silently glad that One for All couldn't cut my connection with the red hair worlds traveller.

Meanwhile Mom was still asleep under my spell. I put a warm blanket on her. Streak of tears were still wet on her cheek. I wiped them off. I wished this would be the last time Mom cried for me.

I kissed her once again and hug her tight.

I started to take out all my things. My magic was scarily effective. Except for all my stuff that I had put inside my box, all my stuffs dissapeared. I was a bit glad I put one piece of photo of me and Mom inside.

Aside from that I didn't take much stuffs. Only my bag with my clothes and a box full of books and my magic stuff from my training day with All Might. I put them in a small cart. Kirishima, helped me in the process.

"It will be only the two of us from now on, Kirishima."

Kirishima looked at me. He was about to say something but I shook my head and looked down. My cue that I didn't want to discuss thing any longer.

I heard his sigh. "Okay. It will be the two of us," he said as he looked to Kacchan's house, "from now on."

"I'm sorry, Kirishima." I knew I was cruel to take him away from people he love.

"Nah! It's okay, Midoriya," he exclaimed. "Let's go before I change my mind." Kirishima leaped to the front and in one blink he had shifted into a big dark maroon stallion, a unique ability only owned by a 'worlds traveller'.

"Thank you, Kirishima," I whispered as I started attaching the small cart to his back.

We walked toward the forest. All Might had given me the address toward his little house deep inside the forest.

There no one will find me anymore.

No one will remember me anymore.

No one will be hurt anymore.

I'm Izuku Midoriya.

Today I turned 15 years old.

And today too, I cut all my connection with all the people I care for.

Hi guys! From the moment I listen to Mili Summoning 101 I just need to make a story from that song. Was about to make a story with original chara in it, but then my brain make a 180° turn and this TodoDeku fanfic born...xD

So, yeah, hope you guys like it. Sorry for the short first chapter. This is like the introduction chapter...

See you in the next chapter!

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