6. American Psycho

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It's the Monday after the gig, my ankle's much better, and I just scored an A on a maths test.

Oh, and the lead singer of The Sex Tips thinks I'm cute.

For a Monday morning, things are going pretty good.

"Yeah, Jax thought you were the prettiest girl at their show, and said he wouldn't mind seeing you again." Says Lucy.

We're making our way to the top floor. Lucy has French in room 204, and I have something called 'Independent Study' in 205.

"Do you think there'll be an opportunity to see him again?"

I'm delighted. A cute, talented singer wants to know me. I'm never a boy's first choice. Not when I'm next to Olivia and Lucy.

We reach Lucy's French class, and she pauses in the doorway.

"It's already on the cards," she smiles. "I told him we'll be at their next gig."

I feel a nervous excitement.

"Besides, I want to see Jace again."

I raise my eyebrows. "Oh?"

"I really think he's different, Ana."

Lucy thinks this about all the boys she develops crushes on. And they all end up disappointing her.

"I'd wait for him to show you that he's different, before you think it."

I enter 205, and take my seat at the back of the room. I always sit alone in this class. But I'm not missing out on much because no one ever talks to each other. The teacher monitoring us is a bit of a gargoyle.

I pull a battered book out of my bag, and pick up where I left off. People around me silently get on with homework and art projects.

Besides biology, this is the only other class I'm supposed to share with River Kavinsky. He never shows up.

However, today proves to be monumental because I barely make it through one sentence of the novel in my hands, before the classroom door bangs open.

"Mr Kavinsky," Mrs Reid starts. "Must you take the door off its hinges?"

River doesn't bat an eyelid. His skin has a slight pink tinge to it due to the morning chill in the air, and he's wearing his black, Levi jacket. River pulls down the hood of the sweatshirt he has on underneath, revealing tousled hair.

"My apologies, Mrs Reid. I'm just so excited to be here."

"Find a spare seat and keep your mouth shut."

River's eyes land on me and I lift my book up to cover my face.

Don't come this way. Don't come this way. Please don't come this way.

"American Psycho," River breathes into my ear, causing me to jump, as he slides into the seat next to me. "Nice choice."

"Mr Kavinsky!"

River exhales and digs through his bag. He slams a biology textbook down onto the desk. Then drums his fingers on the cover, sending Mrs Reid a forced smile.

"You have to open a book to be able to read it," says Mrs Reid, narrowing her beady eyes.

"You do?"

"Last warning, Mr Kavinsky!"

I bite back a smile as River bitterly opens his textbook. He finds some paper and starts making notes.

He does this for quite some time and goes so silent I almost forget he's beside me. Until my phone vibrates in my pocket.

RK: Is evil something you are? Or something you do?

He's quoting American Psycho. I wonder if he's actually read it.

Me: Both. But more something you do.

A minute later, I get his reply.

RK: Let me guess, you believe everyone's redeemable, and it's never too late to right wrongs. Angel.

I sigh and look over at him. He's got his head down, writing, but I still see a smirk form.

Me: Talking of wrongs, what happened to your face?

There's a nasty bruise lingering under his left eye.

River leans back in his chair, just having read my text.

RK: Got punched.

I type out a sarcastic reply, then delete it.

He knocks his leg into mine. I look up.

"Word on the street is, a certain singer fell in love with you Friday night," he mumbles, leaning into me.

His warm breath hits my neck and I'm enveloped in his spicy aftershave.

I glance at Mrs Reid; she's typing away on a computer, a huge pair of headphones covering her ears.

"You can sing?"

River smirks and glances at my lips. "You know I'm not talking about myself."

I try to put a bit of distance between us.

"He thinks I'm pretty, that's all."

"He doesn't."

"Excuse me?"

"He thinks his ex-girlfriend is pretty, and you're the next best thing."

I pretend to go back to reading. "You're just trying to get under my skin."

"I'm not. I know his ex. You're a dead ringer."


"So he's not interested in getting to know you. He just wants to pretend you're someone else."

"I said OK!"

I slam my book down and swing my whole body around to glare at him.

A satisfied smile makes its way onto his face.

God, why does he have to ruin everything!

Mrs Reid removes her headphones. "Is there a problem back there?"

"No. I'm just leaving," River says, stuffing his things into his bag and standing up. "I have to return some video tapes," he adds, taking care to brush against me as he walks towards the door.

Everyone gives him weird looks. Maybe they think he's ascended to a new level of crazy. But I know River doesn't care. His stupid joke was meant only for me.

Mrs Reid shakes her head as he exits the room, mumbling something about delinquents.

I'm seeing The Nun tomorrow night. Pray for me.

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Love, Chen 🦋

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