Chapter 3

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After reassurances and hugs, a father holding his daughters before a daunting trip, Papa went away. Ella and I raced from the doorway out into the garden, and from the garden out to the gravel road, the stones crunching under our slightly worn shoes. Our dresses fluttered behind us, our mind focused on seeing our father, not of our improper behavior. A large, warm hand was extended upwards, waving back to us. 

"Remember the lace! I simply must have it." Cried Anastasia, following us to the door. There she remained, along with Lady Tremaine and Drizella, watching as the carriage pulled around the stone fountain. Ella and I ran with it, grasping at Papa's hand when we could. 

"And my parasol, for my complexion! That means skin if you don't know!" Yelled Drizella, trying to catch his attention. His eyes never wavered from us, his smile remaining intact on his face while the wind whipped at his hair. 

"Bye! Goodbye, Papa!" Ella and I yelled after him, stopping just outside the gate to wave and wish him well. He took off his hat, waving it in the air at us to signal that he had heard. We never really knew if he had heard our shouts; his hearing wasn't what it used to be. We only shouted louder, hoping he could understand. 

"Goodbye!" He yelled back to us, as he always did.

"We love you!" I shouted, my smile stretching high up to my eyes. 

"I love you too!" Lady Tremaine had become bored, and, without her daughters, turned back into the home she had been given. 

"Bye!" Was Ella's last word to him before he was far from sight. She sighed, her big eyes gazing off into the distance. I placed my hand in hers and reassured her with a small grin. He was going to be fine, a few months in Italy, away from the parties, would do him good. I'm sure he'll come back his usual, happy self. 

Grasping Ella's hand, I led her back into the warmth of the house, noticing how cold she had gotten. Another opposite; Ella was always quite cold, whereas I was warm. I saw the tears gathering in Ella's eyes, and pitied her. She was a lot closer to both of our parents than I ever was, which made it hard for her to say goodbye over and over again. I pulled her to me, looping my arm through hers and rubbing my hand against her forearm in reassuring circles. 

"Ella, Emily dears?" Lady Tremaine called from the drawing room. Ella and I turned, to see the Lady holding her arms out in front of her, an invitation for an embrace. Ella wiped her face and sat next to her, and the good lady held her and wiped away her sorrow. I sat to the other side of Ella, observing quietly. I had never been too distraught by father leaving; it was business, and business always came to an end. He always returned sooner or later. 

"Now, now. Mustn't blub." Lady Tremaine told Ella, her handkerchief dabbing gently at the tears slowly dripping from the corners of her eyes. Lady Tremaine was much like myself; not acquainted with Papa well enough to cry, although she missed him in her heart. She missed not seeing him round the corner with a book in his hands, asking his youngest daughter what a long word meant. 

"Yes, step mother." Ella replied, swiping her fingers under her eyes to clear away the moisture.

"You needn't call me that." Lady Tremaine tutted, and Ella's face became very hopeful; hopeful that this woman could possibly be more a mother than she had first thought. Then with three words, she crushed that hope. "Madam will do." Lady Tremaine finished, a sweet smile gracing her lips. The truth was, as I could see it in her eyes, Lady Tremaine didn't like crying. She viewed it as weakness, and having Ella here, crying over something that had happened multiple times in the past and had been rectified, annoyed her.

We saw the sisters chasing and fighting each other, snippets of conversation could be heard, and I almost laughed. They were screaming, rather fiercely as I could hear, about where to put the mountains of clothing they had brought with them. "Anastasia and Drizella have always shared a room, such dear, affectionate girls." Lady Tremaine said, grasping affectionately at Ella's hands. "I think they're finding the sleeping quarters rather confining." She continued, a small frown on her face.

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