I turned and walked away before going to the main room. I sit down on the couch and feel very accomplished until Optimus comes back into the room, looking like I never said a thing. I sighed and turned to look at Ratchet. I could tell that he and I were going to have a talk later.

Suddenly, Fowler's voice rang through the base.

"Prime! Prime!" He does not sound happy. Optimus walked over to the screen.

"Agent Fowler. To what do we owe-", Fowler cut Optimus off.

"What else? Cons. I chased them off with some hard ordnance but not before they blew me put of the sky!!" I stopped paying attention after Miko's comment of "Again?"

I left and wandered the base some, finding a room to hide in. I knew that Optimus would help out Fowler so I didn't worry about him seeing my real form. I go into the room and transform. I look at my form before I realize that I could help, of just by following behind and acting like a civilian. I knew how to do that pretty well.

I quickly transform and run back into the main room to see Ratchet opening a ground bridge. The team goes through and I follow, hiding behind a tree. Soon, they get a box thingy onto Optimus' trailer and drive towards the road. After a few minutes, I transform into my real form before transforming into my vehicle mode and following the bots.

Soon enough, I hear helicopter blades. I angle my side mirrors and almost swerve when I see a familiar helicopter. I saw the exact same one in my front yard. I quickly find the Autobots radio frequency to listen in.

"That's the one! The con who shot me down!!", I hear Fowler exclaim, "Who is he? Wingnut, Dingbat, Skyguy?" As he was talking, several green cars came passing through. I knew they were after the box thing Optimus was carrying. I accelerate a little bit to keep up with the bots and to give them a little extra back up should they need it.

"Watch your rearviews", Bulkhead says.

I stop listening to the conversation until I hear Optimus confirm my fears.

"Our assailants are not Decepticons. They are human", Optimus says. I almost swerve again but I keep control. It's MECH. The same ones who are after me. The same ones who killed my parents. I continue watching and listening.

The bots do their best to only disarm them and I see cars flip over and I see a human fall to the ground on the side of the road.

Soon, a familiar voice came over the radio. "I do hope you take better care of the DNGS then you do your captives." I recognized his voice. It was the same man who held onto me while I watched my parents die right in front of me.

"Special Agent William Fowler here. Identify yourself!" Fowler exclaims.

"I am Silas. But of greater consequence to you, we are MECH", Silas says. I could just imagine Fowler's eyes widening when he hears that. I stop listening all together and just watch what happens.

They try to open Optimus' trailer door and manage to do so but Arcee leaps out as motorcycle, hitting the hood of their car, surprising them no doubt.

I start listening in again when Optimus mentions Megatron.

"Megatron preached the very same ideology before plunging our world into war", he says. I sigh. Optimus, Ratchet, Megatron and I where close friends before Optimus was made into a Prime.

Soon, we come across a place where a train can pass through a mountain. The bots went into there and I figured it was part of their plan. I decided I was going to follow them on the other side, and continue following them from there.

Lover's MeetNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ