Chapter IX. You Kissed The Lips Of Evil

Start from the beginning

I went back to his room... and seeing everything of his made the anger overwhelm me. I succumbed to the rage, and destroyed everything. I couldn't stop myself... everything I broke, it seemed like it eased the pain and the rage inside of me... quenched the fire burning. I  splintered his dresser and his nightstand. I smashed his closet doors. I ripped his clothes out and scattered them across the room. I ripped up his sheets, his blankets. I tore open his pillows. I snapped his bed frame into pieces. I shattered his lamp. 

The room was a disaster. It looked like an F5 tornado had localized in there. I spotted the Batman shirt and cape I got him, and picked them up... and shredded them into pieces... just like he did to my heart. 

I exited his room easily- the door was hangin from its hinges. I shuffled down the bunk alley, and reached up to grab a random pillow as I passed. From the whiff of its scent, I could tell it was Jinxx's. Jinxxie... the look of horror on his face stuck with me. Only he knew what I was feeling- which, I guessed, was why they hadn't returned yet. He knew I needed my time alone. Only he knew... because he'd been through it before. I could only imagine that seeing that made him relive the whole Sammie ordeal. Poor Jinxx.

I crawled onto the couch, and clutched the pillow close to me, my face buried in the softness... and let my tears flow freely.


We approached the tour bus, and sensed Hailie inside. I gently opened the door and stepped in, followed by everyone else. 

Fucking Andy. He had it so good, and he just wasted it and went running back to Juliet. Well, they made a perfect pair, now. They were both cheaters. He'd stayed at the party, while the rest of us came back to see how Hailie was. Fucking dumbass.

Man... when I saw Andy kissing her, I was terrified. I knew how it felt to be betrayed in the most painful of ways, and I did not want Hailie to experience that... that anger, that... pain. I just wanted her to be happy. Yes... I loved her. I've loved her since she put a smile on my face in that McDonald's, so many nights ago. She helped me open my heart, and let happiness back in. She gave me that gift. And I've loved her since.... she had replaced Sammi with herself in my heart. 

I walked into the bunk aisle and down to Andy's room to see if she was in there. Oh... shit. The room was.... well, shit. Absolutely fucking destroyed. 

"Damn," Jake said from behind me.

"For real," Ashley commented.

"Remind me to never make Hailie angry with me," CC whispered. Everything was broken. All of it laid in ruins and pieces around the room... even the mattress was torn up and slashed.

But she wasn't in there. I turned and went back to the living room... and my heart broke in two.

She was curled up on the couch, a pillow- mine, it smelled like- clutched tightly to her chest, her face semi-buried in it. Tear streaks stained her face... her beautiful, clean face. 

I hadn't seen her when I entered the bus, because she'd apparently dyed her hair black, and with my black pillow and her black PJ's and her on the black couch, she all but blended in completely, except for her skin.  Her long, straight hair fell over the edge of the couch, like a black silk waterfall. 

"Poor Hails..." I groaned. As she shivered, I went to my bunk and grabbed my black plush blanket. I returned to the living areaand laid it on top of her. She shuddered once, and visibly relaxed. She burrowed into the pillow, and inhaled deep.

"Jinxxie..." she murmured in her sleep. Tears threatened to form in my eyes. God... I haven't cried since finding out about Sammi's... let's call it infidelity, instead of whore-ness... and divorcing her. I pulled the blanket up over Hailie's shoulders to her chin, and kissed her temple.

"Sweet dreams, Hails," I whispered. I turned- to see Ashley and CC grinning at me (Jake was diggin in the back of the fridge). 

"You like her!" CC squealed.

"No, CC- he loves her," Ashley corrected. I narrowed my eyes, and CC gasped dramatically.

"You don't say a damned thing to her, got it? If she wants me, she'll come. I'm not gonna pressure her," I growled. "I never said anything before, or acted on it, because I could tell she was into Andy. But he fucked up, so now, I will act on it. I will try. But you don't say a fucking word!"

"Ok, ok! Sorry, man," Ashley smirked, throwing his hands up. He retreated to his bunk, and CC and I followed. I climbed up into mine, and passed out with thoughts of Hailie in my head.


So.... what do you guys think? :D Silent_Sadness gave me the idea for the crazy ex and for Andy falling back in love with her, so GO THANK HER AND GO READ HER STORIES NOW!! THEY ARE AMAZING, I PROMISE!!!

so, a pic of Hailie's new hair off to the side- Hailie's hair is way longer, though- as well as the music video to Stamp On The Ground. It really is a great dance song, yall should listen to it. It's great! 

Vot Comment Follow! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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