Nightmares Begin

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Ava sat in her seat watching the animatronics move on stage. She usually enjoyed this it she couldn't forget about her sister.

It was nice seeing the animatronic wolf made especially for her. Ava looked to the side seeing another Freddy by a door. It held out a cake and pointed to the door. "I know where you're sister is too", the Freddy said.

Ava got out of her seat excited and walked in. Her five friends saw too and followed her. They went into the room looking around. The Freddy led them in the back part.

The Freddy took off his head and the rest of the costume. All the children gasped seeing William Afton. He smiled sinisterly raising a knife. All children ran but Ava couldn't escape.

"Wait no! Guys don't leave me here! Come back!", Ava yelled desperately. But no one came, everyone ran to the front part. Her friends tried to get out but couldn't open the door.

William grabbed Ava. "Mr. Afton Stop! What are you doing!?" He stuffed her in a springlock suit of Loyalty.

Ava breath loudly and the springlocks click. Ava choked out as blood sprayed everywhere! "SOMEONE HELP ME! IT HURTS! I don't wanna die!", Ava screamed out. Ava fell forward on the ground choking then went motionless and silent.

Then William went to the front and started stabbing all her friends. "That's what you get for leaving her behind. Good friends you are", William snickered.

William laughed like a mad man and left the children there to die. "This is how the world will repay for what happened to my kids."

In the parts and services room the children's bodies were left. But soon the soul of the children left their body all crying.

Ava's was different from the others. All the soul was crying tears when she was crying blood.

Night arrived and Ava heard the door to the room open. She gasped seeing the Puppet. It didn't look like Security Puppet.

The Puppet kneed down face to face with Ava. He carefully placed a hand on her cheek and leaned forehead in. Ava eyes widen as she realized something.

She placed her hand on the Puppet's face and leaned her forehead against his. Ava did this with her twin all the time. She then hugged him crying more blood.

Ava looked at it Puppet and then pointed to her friends.

The Puppet floated over and gave them all presents. They were animatronics suits. Are we going to wear these?", Cassidy one of Ava's friends asked. She was looking at her Golden Freddy costume.

"I believe so, Puppet is my twin sister or now brother. You can trust him", Ava said.

Puppet pointed to her body in the Loyalty suit. "I guess I'm going to control Loyalty's body", Ava said.

All the kids got into their costumes. "Wow, I feel so much stronger", said Gabriel.

"Thanks Puppet", Susie said.

"Why don't we use the names of our costumes now?", Ava suggested.

"Yeah!", her friends said agreed.

Fnaf: Loyalty's Perspective Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon