Nurse Hoying

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A psych ward one shot that's not toxic or sad?? It's as if  I'm trying to accurately display the experience of mental wards!! Anyhow, if you think they're bad places, they're not. There pretty pleasant despite the occasional screaming.

Sorry, I'm done ranting

               Scott hummed quietly as he pushed his medicine cart down the dull white hallway. His first patient of the day was a new kid who had just arrived this morning. He was very excited to meet the boy. He was 17 and suffered from insomnia, he was 5'10" with brown hair, and was supposedly super sassy. He would just have to wait and guess himself.

He knocked on the door, waiting for a "Come in." before entering.

"Hello, I'm Nurse Hoying, but you can call me Scott if you'd like." He smiled, talking in a sweet tone as to not overwhelm or patronize the boy.

He just raised his hand and waved politely, offering the blond a small smile.

"If you don't mind, I would like to sit with you and get to know you a little bit. Seeing as I'll be your designated nurse and all." He asked, waving his hand over to the wooden table situated in the corner of his room.

"Sure." The 17-year-old whispered, not fully awake.

When they sat down, Scott pulled out a notepad and pen, setting the objects between them. He tapped them once then said: "If you do not wish to speak feel free to use these."

"No need, I'm just tired is all. I promise I'm more fun when I've got at least 3 hours of sleep in me." He said, adding a slight chuckle to the end.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, how much sleep did you get last night?" Scott questioned, leaning back in his chair and getting comfortable.

The smaller boy just laughed, placing his hand over his mouth before straightening himself out. "I'm sorry, but I got absolutely no sleep last night. That's if you don't count the 15-minute power nap to the facility this morning."

"Oh, wow."

"Yeah... I'm sorry." He said, ashamed all of the sudden.

"No no no, don't be sorry, but if you'd like, I could pass that on to your psych and see if she could put you on some heavier medications?" Scott offered.

"That would be wonderful," He sighed, "I haven't had a full night's rest in 2 years." Scott cringed at that.

"Anyhow, what's your name? Any preferred nicknames?" He moved on.

"My full name is Mitchell, but I prefer Mitch. I really don't care what you call me, to be honest." He answered simply, finally getting comfortable in his seat.

"Anything about you that I should know? Don't feel pressured to tell me something you're uncomfortable with." He assured.

Mitch just smiled. "Um, I'm 17, I've already graduated high school, I like to watch anime, aaand I have a boyfriend named Beau." He stated confidently not scared of the response he might get.

"That's awesome! I'm very glad you were willing to share that with me. It takes a lot of courage to come out to a stranger." The taller complimented, grinning.

"What about you, beanstalk?"

Scott just laughed, happy to answer. "I'm 23, I graduated high school at 17 too, but I had my Associates degree in STEM by then too, and I have two boyfriends called Mark and Mason." He smiled, watching as Mitch as he sat forward in his chair, seemingly intrigued.

"You have two boyfriends?" He said, astounded.

"Um, yeah?" Scott rubbed his neck nervously, afraid he was going to respond negatively. Most of his patients were nice, but he's had bad apples before.

"That's called pol-polyamo-ury? Polyamory?" He asked curiously.

"Yes, yes, it is. I love them both very much and they love me as well." He smiled, his heart fluttering at the mention of his two favorite boys.

"What do they do for a living?"

"Well, Mason is a graphic designer and Mark is a model."

"A graphic designer, a model, and a psychiatric nurse. One helluva team if you as me." The brunet giggled.

"What about your boyfriend? You've interrogated me a little bit, now it's my turn." Scott smirked, laughing when Mitch blushed and hid his face a little bit.

"He 21, and no, we have not had sex," He peak through his fingers to glare at him, as if to punctuate his statement, "He's a model as well, he's super sweet and is the nicest guy I've ever met."

"I'm happy that you have someone who treats you well." Scott beamed, but his happiness was short-lived, as the watch on his wrist beeped, signifying that he had to move on to the next patient. "aw, shoot. That means I must go, unfortunately. Hopefully, you had as good of a time talking as I did." He chuckled.

"I definitely did, Scott. Will this be a daily thing?" He quizzed, standing up as Scott did.

"Yep. You'll have to see this ugly mug every day." Scott chuckled, pointing to his unshaven face.

"Aw, don't say that. I'll be looking forward to it. Hug?"

"Of course, dummy." He grinned as he embraced his new friend. As he reached the door, Mitch spoke to him once more.

"Don't forget that medication!" He quipped, playfulness in his tone.

Scott turned to him, clicking his feet together and standing straight, saluting mockingly. "Aye aye, Capin'!" He shouted, keeping his level down so he didn't scare Mitch. He smiled gratefully as he just giggled at his joke, leaving the room with happiness blooming in his chest

Whew! I wrote that all in what sitting, which is usually what happens. Anyhow, school sucks, fuck Duel Cred classes, fuck this damn Associates degree shit I'M TOO YOUNGE FOR THIS STRESS GAH.

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