For Honor

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               The brunet sighed as he settled behind his boyfriends hunched over form, pressing his bare chest onto his clothed back while wrapping his arms and legs around his torso. He rested his head on his shoulder and pressed a few kisses into the blonde's neck, enjoying the chuckle he received in response.

He had to unravel for a moment, so Scott could take off his shirt, understanding his significant other probably wanted as much skin contact as possible. His attention soon turned back to his game and the voices that chattered in his ear as he yelled about the violence on screen.

After a minute or so, he was back to the menu screen as his friends decided what game mode they wanted to play next, so he took his chance and slipped his headphones off to talk to the sleepy figure wrapped around him.

"Hi, baby." He whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to the other's forehead.

Mitch just hummed in response, digging his face further into Scott's neck and relishing in the rumble that erupted through his chest.

"A few more games and I promise we can cuddle, okay?" Mitch just nodded before pulling his head back to speak for a moment.

"What game are you playing? And who with, if you don't mind me asking." He questioned, which the taller grinned about, his heart speeding up a bit at his boyfriends tired interest in one of his hobbies.

"I'm playing For Honor with Kevin, Matt, Andre, Alex, and Macey. They bullied me into downloading it cause its free for the next 30 days." He giggled a little bit at the end.

"What's it about, Sweetheart?" Mitch hummed.

"You play as a Knight, Viking or Samurai and you duke it out in a battlefield. At the end of a match, you get allotted a certain number of troops that you can deploy in territories to aid a faction in a giant turf war." He explained excitedly, not hearing his squad yelling for him to come back on mic.

"That's cool, Sweetie, but you friends are yelling at you to come back." Mitch laughed as he felt his boyfriend scramble to the microphone before yelling at his friends to be quiet.

"Because Mitchy came in and I wanted to talk to him! Let's just play some Dominion, please. I'm not in the mood to be sweaty tonight." He griped. Not happy he had to stop talking to the brunet.

Mitch could hear the chatter start up again before Scott moved an earmuff to tell the smaller that everyone said hi.

Mitch giggled and hugged Scott tighter for a second before saying hello back, just loud enough for everyone in the Xbox party to hear him.

"Oh! By the way, Macey just got engaged to Lindsey!" Scott said excitedly, turning his head back towards Mitch as a match started.

"Oh my gosh! Tell her I said congrats."

Scott went to speak into the microphone, pausing for a second before looking back at Mitch. "She heard you." He grinned, showing his teeth.

After that, Mitch snuggled back into Scott. He slowly drifted in and out of consciousness as he listened to the man he surrounded yell about how he "fucking blocked that!" or how "That was my fucking execution you twat!", with a few "suck my dick" s and "I swear to God, I'll eat your ass" s. Every single one of his insults drawing small giggles and laughs from the brunet.

After one particularly uneventful game, Scott decided it was time to head to bed, so he turned off the console, plugged everything in to charge overnight, and laid down in bed, humming in approval as Mitch snuggled up to him.

He placed one last kiss on his boys head before whispering a small goodnight, passing out not long after.


I'm so sorry this is up so late! I have two more One-Shots, but both are unfinished so I need to get to work on that :/

There will be some Scomarson and Meau soon, don't worry!

Comment and vote, I guess.

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