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"That was fun!" I cheerfully said as we make our way back to the crew room. My work is over for this week. Finally! Rest days, here I come!

"Yeah. And as usual, you nailed it, again." Says Kristoff and smiled.

"Oh stop. We nailed it," I said and emphasized the term 'we'. "So, will you go home right after?"

"Not yet. Why?"

"Nothing. I just thought that today's Friday so I guess we could use a little bit of fun."

"Sure. Where to?"

I paused for a bit thinking where we could actually enjoy the night.

I was about to suggest something when his phone rang and he answered it. By the looks of him, it's something important.

"Ah, Vi-"

"Nah, it's okay. I'll just go with Jizil," Cutting him off and smiled. "You take care!"

"See you on Monday!" He said as he walked back towards the crew room's door. I waved and he made his way out for his errand. After that, I grabbed my phone and dialed Jizil's number.

Zil calling..

Zil calling..

Jizil here. I'm quite busy right now so just leave your message! Mwa.

I ended the call and tried once more.


Sigh. Guess there's no having fun tonight.

As I entered my apartment, I immediately slumped in my bed. Making me realize how tired I really am today. Maybe Kristoff's and Zil's unavailability is actually a blessing in disguise after all.

After relaxing for a bit, I decided to take a shower to freshen up before sleeping. Minutes passed, I already finished doing my night routine and now wearing my green PJ and shirt with a bass clef printed on it.

I checked my phone for notifications.


Except one.

Avi Kaplan tweeted after a while.

Oh. My. Gosh.

My heart suddenly started racing so fast which made me squealed and jumped in bed.

I know I shouldn't be squealing since it's already late and I should be considering my neighbors having their good night sleep.

But I just can't contain my feelings, especially when it comes to him or something related to him.

I hurriedly checked his tweet.

"Ain't no sunshine.." I read the caption, almost whispering, and clicked the video attached in it.


His voice.. It's so..

Ugh, I can't even find the right words to describe it. Which is very usual for me, by the way. I don't know why but everytime I listen to him singing, I'm literally left no words to say. It's like he casted a spell into me using his voice, for me not to be able to distinguish what to feel. Something like that.

After a couple of replays, I've decided to watch videos of him that I downloaded recently.

When I felt sleepy, I tucked myself in my blankie and played the playlist I made only for his songs. Yes, those are my kind of lullabies.

Always a good way to end the day.

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Alto meets Bass.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora