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"Hey. We shouldn't be letting the customers wait, you know."


I said as I hurriedly picked up the tray with the customer's ordered drinks and went out the kitchen door.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," I said while serving their drinks. "May I offer you-"

"No," The customer said cutting me off. "We're good. Run along." Then she flicked her fingers.

Woah. I smell the attitude.

I forced a smile and tried to ignore what she said. "Enjoy your food, Ma'am. Sir." I made a slight bow and made my way back to the kitchen.

I went to the nearest counter then laid the tray and removed my apron right after. Now's the end of my shift for today. I can finally have my rest. After that, I went to the locker room to fix my things and be ready for my part-time job later.

I checked my phone's clock and it's quarter past five. My part-time's six in the evening so I still have time to relax.

As I feel my body feeling drained, I sighed.

"O-kay, what's with the sigh, sister?"

Jizil, my best friend-slash-colleague asked.

"Oh nothing. Just the usual-"

"Another shitty customer." We said in unison, then laughed.

This is my almost 3rd year working in Magnitel, a 5-star hotel in Los Angeles, California. After my graduation, which happened two years ago, I immediately applied for an internship here because I know that after this, it would be a good record for my resume. Little did I know, our supervisor was impressed by my work and I've been absorbed, making my supposedly internship a full-time job.

And aside from that, I really want to meet someone who lives here.. somewhere.

It's actually a win-win for me since I get to work in one of the places that I really want to go, and I'm still holding up to my hopes of meeting him someday.

"Hey," Zil snapped right in front of my face. "Your shift's done, right?"

I looked at her then nodded. Good thing I'm still having breaks from those freaking customers. If not, I would've lose my job. And there's no way.

"You down for a cup of coffee? Coffeebucks' just nearby."

"Nah. You know I'm not really into coffee." I said and looked back to my phone.

She just rolled her eyes, as if I haven't noticed.

"Yeah, whatever."

When I felt that that was the last words she'd say, I took that as my que for me to grab my earphones and watch another video of him.

The moment I heard his voice, it felt like I wasn't even tired at all. It's like I've regain all the strength that I will be needing for later within seconds. Jeez, this guy really knows how to calm my nerves and make me feel relaxed.

"Man, you are so in love."

I heard Jizil said, which made me smile.


I'm in love.

Big time.

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