Wishlist Round Three

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Letters to/from/about/inspired by:

- Feminist letters

- Enemies sharing cigarettes

- A mask maker

- Navy/submarine

- Letter to/from Hitler (who is fighting)

- Letter from a soldier who never shot anyone (like Wilfred Mott, but in WWI)

- Hat maker

- Comparisons to current conflicts

- Veteran whose friends are all dead

- A nurse who volunteered to follow a lover

- Inspired by Atonement

- Canadian nurses, nicknamed “bluebirds”

- Time travelling Viking

- Minorities (African Americans, Jews)

- Ernest Hemingway

- A kitten on the battlefield, a cigarette dog, or a pet fox

- Someone in WW2 writing to someone in WWI

- Three letters: One from a grandmother, one from a mother, one from a child, showing the different responses form different generations.

Letters in the form of:

- Videos

- Art

- Music

- Handwritten but censored

- Pantoum poem

Our favorites from the old lists:

- An ancestor of a soldier (i.e. “To My Grandson”)

- A weapons manufacture or someone making money off the war

- A suffragette/Farmerette

- A Galactic perspective- All of the planets will be discussing the illness that earth has contracted: WAR.

- A telegram boy


Feeling inspired? Write your own letter to the unknown soldier and join the 17,000+ people who have already contributed including Stephen Fry, Lee Child and Malorie Blackman.

Post your letter on your own Wattpad account with the tag #UnknownSoldier, and then upload it to our online memorial at www.1418NOW.org.uk/letter/new

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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