Wishlist Round Two

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Some of the editorial moderators have sat down to compile a wishlist of letters we’d love to see. Check it out and get inspired!

We’d love to get letters to/from…

- A journalist at the front and/or a woman disguised as a man (a la Denis Smith)

- The ghost of Archduke Ferdinand

- A time traveler

- A prisoner forced to enlist

- A suffragette/Farmerette

- Identical twins (one coward, one hero?)

- A spy

- A disillusioned, returned soldier reflecting on his experience (or writing to his past self)

- A Galactic perspective- All of the planets will be discussing the illness that earth has contracted: WAR.

Letters inspired by…

- Tea rationing black market

- T.E. Lawrence of Arabia

Letters in the form of…

- Handwritten but censored

- Video letter in sign language

- More art and pictures!

We’d love to hear from you if you’ve written any letters on the wishlist! Shoot us an email or mention us in the inspiration on your letter.


Feeling inspired? Write your own letter to the unknown soldier and join the 17,000+ people who have already contributed including Stephen Fry, Lee Child and Malorie Blackman.

Post your letter on your own Wattpad account with the tag #UnknownSoldier, and then upload it to our online memorial at www.1418NOW.org.uk/letter/new

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