“You can't Jack, not this time. The world is a shitty place, ya know? And I can't do anything about it. I hate being so helpless. Bad things happen to good people, horrifying things that nobody should have to endure.”

“Like you,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” I murmured, “why? Why do they happen?”

“I wish I had the answers, but I don't. We don't have control over those things like that. They just happen, and we have to take it as it is.”

“I know,” I sigh, burrowing my head in my hands.

“I hate this.”

“Hate what?”

“Something is bothering you, and I'm not there to fix it,” he frowns.

“You can't fix everything.”

“I can try.”


Mahogany was awake, after her nap. We still had about an hour left on the plane. Her eye's looked less tired, but I am sure she was more broken inside. She looked at me, “how long?” She asked.

“An hour.”

“Hmmm, thank you for doing this Drew. I mean it, I don't know what I would do without you.”

“And I don't know what I would do without you red.” I smiled, sitting next to her.

“Do you think it'll get easier?” She asked, peering up at the ceiling.

“What do you mean?”

“The pain.”

“I know it will get easier.” I state.

“How can you be so sure?”

“After the last 24 hours, you haven't broken. And that shows me, you're a warrior.”

A tiny smile came to her lips. It's what she needed to hear, to deal with this. I don't know what she's feeling, and I can't even begin to comprehend it. But small steps, like a small smile, are huge ones where she's concerned.

That hour went by quickly, we talked of Florida, what would happen from here. I convinced her to come to California when the time comes. Until then, she lives with Will, Preston, and I. It's like our own, very strange, family.

The apartment we got, had four bedrooms, lucky on our part, a huge living room, kitchen, and large dining room. It's not exactly an apartment at all, but they call it that because it's in a complex. There is a pool, tennis courts, and more.

“Preston meet Mahogany.” I said, giving them the introduction. The blonde boy extended his hand, greeting her. She said hi to Will, they met when he visit me last.

The warm Florida sun, was a good way to end the day. I liked it better than the harsh cold. I unpacked the rooms, explaining to Mahogany we'd go shopping for bedding, food, and all those other things tomorrow. I wasn't exactly expecting Will and Preston to be stocked on those items, two guys, the only thing that was perfectly set up was their X-box.

We ended up cooking spaghetti for dinner. It was easy and the clean-up was minimal. “So the day after tomorrow, we are going to go to Disney.” I smiled, beaming to Mahogany as she unpacked.

“No, way.” She said, actually showing interest. I remember the nurse said to live her life as normal as possible, well this is living.

“And LA Reid hooked us up with passes, so that means no waiting what's so ever.”

“Sweet, got to love a dude with connections.”

She was putting a picture in a frame, one of her Dad on the bedside table. “Hey Mahogany, can I ask you something?”

“Go ahead.”

“Are you okay?”

“Honestly Drew, I am more than I thought I would be. Sure, it hurts. But I think it's the universe trying to tell me something. I just wasn't ready to be a mother yet. And that's okay. One day I will get to be one, and when that day comes I will be ready.”

I wrapped my arms around her, “Love you.”

“Love you more.”  

Drew Grier: A Broken GirlWhere stories live. Discover now