~Realization Pt. 1~

Start from the beginning

       "...so pretty and she's so amazing... on and on, I mean it's adorable right? But it's all the time Y/N," Ola spoke, exasperated. I stayed quiet as she continued.

       "I swear, we should take a 30 minute break just to talk about her," She laughed. I tied up the bag of candy and placed it neatly back into my bag.

       "Yeah must be rough," I laughed, but my laughter soon fell flat and silence filled the room. I heard my unsteady breathing and tried to bring it back under control.

       "You ok Y/N?" Ola asked me, concerned. I nodded my head.

       "Yeah I'm fine," I spoke smiling up at her, attempting to sound chirpy. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows but before she could question me the door to the trailer opened again and John stuck his head through the door.

       "Where have you two been? We gotta get started," He spoke over dramatically. 

       "Sending me on some wild goose chase for Mike, John?" Ola spoke menacingly, but I could see the small smile threatening to form. She walked up to John slowly and exited the trailer where he stood. I grabbed my bag from the floor. The M&Ms in my left hand and began to walk towards the door.

       "Surely not, I am a gentleman," He spoke poshly. I couldn't help but laugh as I walked down the stairs and shutting the trailer door behind me.

       "Let's just go," I laughed as I pushed Johns back forward.


       "Everyone out of the way! We must get Mr. Jackson his M&Ms!" John called out as the three of us walked into the large dance studio.

John stepped back and put his arms out, his hands motioning for me to walk down in a sort of isle fashion. I blushed but did a strut towards Michael at the end of the room and we all laughed.

       "Yes Y/N strut that sexy walk," Ola called out jokingly. I could feel my cheeks burn.

       "You know it," I winked towards her, she clapped and John whistled. I laughed and turned back towards Michael.

Michael jogged up to me in his pink disney sweater and smiled as he wrapped his hands around the small bowl.

       "Thank you Y/N," He spoke softly. "Truly are a lifesaver today." He spoke as he ate a few candies. I blushed slightly but shook my head.

       "Definitely starting to feel like I should have bought more than one bag of candy today," I joked and he turned to me with a goofy smile.

       "One bag will not last me, girl, you know that," He sassily spoke back as he proceeded to laugh. I couldn't help but join in as his laughter is contagious.

       "Better luck next time," I spoke snapping my fingers jokingly. He shook his head playfully and laughed.

       "Y/N?" He asked and I looked up to him. Nodding my head to show I was listening.

       "C...can I talk to you later about something? It's important," He asked shyly. My heart started to race as thoughts flooded my mind. Love? Romance? Drama?

Definitely got to cut back on the romance books.

But I suppress my feelings. After all it couldn't be true. He likes Brooke. Ola confirmed that fact quite clearly.

       "O..of course," I spoke softly, clearing my throat that suddenly felt dry. "You know I'm always here for you." I smiled at him and he returned a wide smile.

How can this boy have such great teeth? Damn.

       "I know, thank you," He spoke gratefully.

       "Now come on kids let's get started," John boastfully spoke as he walked over to us. Michael waved to me and walked across the room with John. I walked the opposite direction to where a small table was and sat down. I took out some paperwork that needed to get done and began to work.

Throughout the time I watched them work. It was always the most hypnotising thing. The energy Michael brought to the room was outrageous. Everything he did he gave it his 110%. It was always history in the making for him, and it was hard for anyone here to believe they were part of it.

I looked over at Ola who stood with a small smile on her face. She wasn't doing much because the majority of her shot was walking. She looked over to me and I waved. She pointed towards John who was rambling on about the scene with Michael and she rolled her eyes playfully.

I laughed and she mouthed 'Brooke' to me. She made a talking motion with her hand and she laughed. I forced a smile on my face and laughed although my chest tightened.

They soon got back to work and so did I. I tried to block the jealousy from my mind. But as I looked up and saw him smiling as he talked to Ola all I thought was 'is he talking about her again?'

I finally was brought out of my mind when John walked up to me.

       "Mike is making me feel old," He laughed out as he sat down next to me. I smiled and continued my work as John took a drink of water.

       "Why the long face?" He questioned as he pushed his glasses up. I sighed. If there was any person I really trusted, it was John Landis. He was almost like my set parent.

And also he found out I liked Michael a while ago so it took that off the table.

       "Brooke," I spoke softly and looked down at my papers sadly.

       "Haven't I told you before? He likes you. Brooke? They're just close friends," He spoke waving me off. I shook my head and leaned back in my chair.

       "Seems like a lot closer than friends John," I spoke sadly. "Ola literally wants to get a body double or something because of how much he rambles about her."

       "Just a friend," John singsonged. "He just hasn't realized he likes you yet."

I rolled my eyes at him.

       "Whatever you say John," I sighed and he patted my head.

       "You'll see, I promise you that," He spoke as he got up and walked back across the room. I rubbed my eyes and ran my hand through my hair.

       "I hope so John, I hope so," I softly spoke.

~I hope you enjoyed! Get ready for more tea in part 2 ;)~

~much love, KT

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