IIII - 𝖂𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖑𝖙

Start from the beginning

"Ooh! Want to do our scene?!" Romeo asked excitedly. "Sure!" I smiled. I cleared my throat and got in position. "Ready?" Romeo asked. "Mhm." I muttered. We started. It felt like we were better. I don't know. I just loved doing it. He pulled me in, a sly smile on his lips. We both froze in our positions. I stared into his hazel and goldish eyes. My heart was weirdly racing. "What are you doing to me..." He muttered, he grasp on my hand tightened. He pulled me a bit closer by my waist. "I should be asking the same question..." I mumbled. I wanted to kiss him. So. Fucking. Badly. I made a shaky breath. Our faces were so close, our noses almost touched. He leaned in a bit closer slowly. My urge to kiss him grew the closer he got until he finally did it. His lips collided with mines. I froze for only a second, only for myself to sink into the kiss. I moved with him, cupping my hands on his face. His free hand moved to my waist. He held on tightly. His tongue slipped across my lower lip as he gently bit and tugged. My arms went around his neck to deepen the kiss. I didn't want the moment to stop.

We broke apart to breathe, letting the moment sink in. We stared into each other's eyes, panting. "You're wonderful." He whispered. I smiled. "I can say the same to you." I chuckled quietly. He nuzzled his nose against my neck playfully and chuckled. "I never thought I'd end up doing that, y'know.." He muttered. I smiled. I heard the warning bell ring across the theater, echoing in the empty room. "We should get going.." I whispered. He shook his head stubbornly. "I don't want to ruin this moment." He whined. "I'll meet you behind the school at lunch?" I bargained. He paused. "...Fine." He groaned. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the theater doors. He pecked my cheek before leaving the theater room. I waited a minute before leaving towards my class. 

|| 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊 𝕾𝖐𝖎𝖕 ||

I tapped my pencil on the desk. I longingly looked at the clock. 5...4...3...2...-Riiiiiing! I jumped out my desk, my backpack over my shoulder. I sped walked out of the classroom and into the filling halls. I exchanged my books and left towards the end of the hall. I pushed open the two metal-glass doors that led to the outside. I walked and turned a corner. I dropped my backpack and slid down the wall until my butt hit the grass. I looked up at the blue, cloudy sky. "'Sup." Romeo said, turning the corner. I lazily waved my hand, still dazed at the sky. He sat beside me. I hesitantly laid my head on his shoulder. "You tired?" He asked, looking down at me. I half nodded. "Kinda? No clue." I muttered. I shifted uncomfortably. "Mind if I lay my head on lap?" I muttered. He blushed and nodded. I slowly rested my head in his lap. We both looked up the sky. "Pff. I maybe, like, drunk off of air, but that cloud looks like a turtle and it's moving faster than the other clouds." Romeo giggled, fake slurring his words. I chuckled. "That one looks like a man." I pointed. "Nah, looks like you." Romeo said, booping my nose. I looked at him. "Did you boop me..?" I muttered. He nodded slowly, a smile crawling on his face. I laughed. "You're weird, dude." I chuckled, pointing at his face. "Nah, you're weirder." He pointed back. 

"Maybe. I bet you can't do this." I said, crossing one eye. Like, my right eye was looking at my nose and the left was looking forward. "That's actually cool." Romeo said. "How'd you that?" Romeo asked, crossing his eyes as a attempt. I giggled. "I'll try to teach you some day." I chuckled. "Someday? Ah, no fair." Romeo whined. I laughed, rubbing my face. "I'm tired, dude." I sighed, a smile on my face. "Then sleep. I'll wake you up." Romeo said, poking my cheek. "Nah. We still have school." I sighed. I hate school with the life of me. I let my hands rest on ym face. I wish I could sleep. I felt Romeo's hands run through my hair. "I sound like a creep, but your hair is so soft." He mumbled. I smiled. He makes me so happy. Unlike home. So alone. "Do you have any siblings?" He asked, his hands still running through my hair. "Ah, no. I live alone, sadly." I sighed, removing my hands from my face. "Really? That's so sad." He said. I sat up and shifted to where I was sitting beside him. 

"...How's life?" I asked. I didn't realize I asked until he said, "Amazing.". "Why?" I asked, looking at him. "I'm looking at my answer." He said and turned to me. "How cheesy." I giggled, looking away to hide my blush. "Hey." He said. I turned to him. "Ye-" I said, being cut off by his lips against mines. I shut my eyes as his hands gently cupped my face. I quickly turned over, sitting on his lap. His hands traveled onto my waist as my arms wrapped around his neck. Two kisses in one day. Wow. He bit my lower lip. "Let me explore you.." He muttered into my mouth. I blushed and opened for him. His tongue explored every inch, covering every area. His hand ran through my hair as the other hand pulled me closer by my waist. I trailed kisses down his jawline, search for a soft spot. I inched closer and closer to his shoulder. It has to be here. I stopped once I felt shivers go down his body once I hit the center of his shoulder. I sucked and bit until a dark spot formed, the best hickey I could do. I gently licked across it as he silently moaned, muffling it with his hand. "J-Julian." He begged as I bit on another spot on his shoulder. "I'm not done.." I whispered in his ear.

I had to finish it off with my 'signature'. I took my fingernail and marked a X on his hickey, then licked it so the X would stay for a longer while. I pecked his lips softly. "I made my mark." I teased silently. He smiled. "You made your mark." He echoed. We stood up with our backpacks slung on our shoulders once the bell rang. "Just in time, too." I joked. We made it into the hall and towards our lockers. I made my mark.

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