"They don't have to ruin your life either." Carl's voice said this was an old argument. "There's nothing wrong with heroing, just like there's nothing wrong with being a teacher or a doctor or a businessman. It's all about who you are and what you want to do."

They glared at each other for a minute then turned away, looking out over the park. Not long afterwards Tetyana and Kirstin came out. The housekeeper carried the bagel platter out and set in on the table. She snagged one and went back inside. Kirstin carried a glass of juice and was already nibbling on a doughy round.

"While we are alone, I wanted to show you all something," Carl said, looking mostly at Kirstin. "This may be something of a surprise, but don't get scared."

"You going to show us your false teeth gramps?" Oran said, his eyes open wide in wonder.

"You little shit!" Carl cursed.


"Sorry," Oran and Carl said at the same time, both to Mariela.

"Kirstin, don't freak out," Oran took her hand as Carl retrieved his little detonator device. It provided the energy he need to jumpstart the transformation. A moment later Cobalt was standing on the balcony. At twenty-tree stories up on the Park-facing side of the building, there was no danger that someone else would see the change. "Ta-da!"

"You've got to be kidding me," Kirstin goggled.

One quick explanation later, illustrated with archival news footage on Oran's tablet, and they discussed how Cobalt would train Oran to use his powers safely. This might include the teen staying with Carl on occasion. The veteran hero would also register as Fenrir's official coach, making it easier for him to avoid being forced into a super academy by DEMA.

"Speaking of which, we have to get moving," Carl said. "I got Hector, my contact at DEMA to get them to push the registration to this morning rather than descending on the hospital yesterday. But they are waiting. We can't be late."

"Right," Oran agreed. "Mom, I think it would be best if you weren't there. I don't know if word that I'll be at the DEMA office might have gotten out and more people might be after me."

"I'll make sure he's ok. I can play bodyguard as well as coach." Cobalt reassured his daughter.

"Just be safe." Mariela said, with Kirstin nodding agreement.

Carl, back in his normal form, took Oran by taxi to the garment district. There they met with the Couturier. She was an older woman, tall and thin, with a tape measure around her neck wearing a sharply tailored woman's suit and a small domino mask as her only disguise.

"Elinor, this is my other new protégé – Fenrir. He's ready for his final fitting."

"You know how I dislike being rushed, Warren." She sounded most put out. "This will not be my best work."

"He's not going pro, just needs it for DEMA and such."

"Yes, well ..." She turned to Oran and smiled, suddenly friendly and mothering. "Don't worry dear. Not my best is still better by far than those other hacks."

She looked him over, occasionally taking up various color swatches and holding them against his arm, face, or hair; all the while making "hmmm" and "tsk" sounds. "Yes, I think this will work." She sent him into a changing room with a package she took from a shelf.

He came out in a sleeveless two-toned singlet that came down to his thighs. A stylized wolf head adorned the chest. He had tabi-style boots with leather shin guards and leather bracers on his wrists. She looked at him and nodded.

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