dean x reader: what a woman

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This is for OneAndOnlyMrNarrator. Imagine the boys being on a hunt and meeting the reader, and Dean falling in love with her. I hope you enjoy. Have a good whatever time it is!

Dean's pov

Sam and I were on our 3rd hunt this week and it was starting to get tiring. "Hey Sammy, these vamps are gonna be real easy so why don't we just get in get out and then take a break for maybe a week or two?" I asked as we made our way to the small vampire nest we were taking out.

"Sure." He stated.

The rest of the ride was silent. Soon we came upon an old abandoned house. We got out of the car and headed inside.

It was really quiet for a vamp nest, maybe a little too quiet. We snuck around and checked all the rooms for signs of vampires, but no luck Chuck. Sam heard something come from the living room and motioned me over. We came in just in time to see the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on.

She took my breath away as she took off the last vamps head in slight victory. I could not believe my eyes as she had taken out the whole nest by herself.

She looked up finally seeing us, sighing and saying, "I guess a hunters work is never done." Then she charged at us.

"Woah woah woah, feisty calm down. We're hunters too, we came for the job you already finished." She stopped charging and took a second to assess us. And let's just say her eyes roaming my body made me weak in the knee's.

"Ok, well my name's (y/n) and if we are done here, I'm going to go get a burger and a beer." She walked swiftly by us and the smell of her made me melt. Vanilla and mint. A wonderful combination that I never new I needed.

I had decided in that moment that this woman, (y/n), was the woman of my dreams and I needed to be the man of hers.

I followed her out like a lost puppy dog and before she could get into the most beautiful red 69 Pontiac firebird I called, "hey (y/n) mind if we join you for some grub."

She stopped and thought for a second before agreeing and off we went. The night was a blast and I couldn't believe how much we had in common.

The more I was with her the more madly I fell for her. Her eyes sparked whenever she talked about anything that interested her. We sat and talked for hours, until the sun rise and I noticed that Sam was passed out in the back seat of the impala.

This wasn't my normal one night hook up with some girl at the bar. This was true love. I didn't care that we had only met not even a day before. We had a connection, chemistry no one could deny. I had met the one.

From then on we traveled together. We would sing along terribly to the radio and slash monsters together. Sam loved her and he loved that I was finally happy.

After a year with (y/n). I decided to pop the question. It wasn't big and it wasn't elaborate. I just did something very small. I took her to the restaurant where we started off at. We sat at the booth that we sat at that night, and I shoved the ring in her apple pie.

When she found the ring, I got down on one knee and I explained my undying love for her. " (Y/n), you are the best thing to ever happen to me. Before you I was a sad lonely drunk going down a path that would soon lead to death, again. But now I have something to look forward to. A life with you and Sammy. Maybe even kids and that white picket fence. So (y/n) will you make me the happiest man and marry my sorry ass?"

"Oh my gosh! One thousand time yes Dean Winchester! I love your sorry ass. Now kiss me!" She said with that same sparkle in her eyes as that night.

I knew in that moment that my life was finally worth something.

Oh my gosh. It has been too long. I'm so sorry that this is so late. I hope you enjoy even tho this is super sappy I really hope you guys like it. Have a good whatever time you're reading this!

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