Lucifer x reader: the devils kindness

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I would like to say before I start this it has mentions of depression, self harm, and self hate. So if you are easily triggered please do not read. Thank you!

Your pov

They were back and they were worse than ever before. They always came back in the dead of night when everyone was asleep and I was awake with them. Sometimes they came out when I am out on a hunt, but only on rare occasions. But this time it was so much worse. They were saying stuff they hadn't said in a very long time, and I was starting to listen to them....

You're so disgusting.

How dare you think that they love you?!

Fat! Freak! Stupid!

I couldn't take it anymore. I could only think of one thing that could shut them up. It had worked in the past. It should work now. Slowly I made my way to the bathroom making sure everyone was still asleep.

Silently I crept into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I pulled up my sleeve and grabbed the blade I kept hidden. I placed it to my wrist and right before I could do anything a hand grabbed mine.

I gasped and looked up. None other than the devil himself. I was shocked. "Lucifer, what are you doing here?!?" I whisper yell at him, tears running down my face.

He didn't say anything instead he sat on the bathroom floor and pulled me to his chest. I couldn't hold back the dam holding my tears and began sobbing into his chest. He just sat there holding me and stroking my hair.

He didn't ask questions. He didn't scold me. He just held me. And it was the best thing I could ask for.

Once I calmed myself down enough I finally took notice to the voices again. Except they weren't there. For once in my life the self harm didn't make it go away. He did. I started crying again but this time I was happy. I was happy they were gone. I was happy he was here. I was happy to have someone care.

"You never have to feel like that (y/n). Never. If you ever do don't go to the bathroom. Call for me or talk to the people around you who care about you. You are not alone in this fight. People care. I care. Never try to deal with this alone do you understand me?" In the end I could see the tears in his eyes and all I could do was nod.

We sat there for a little while longer just staring into each other's eyes. Soon his eyes moved down to my lips and he began to lean in and I didn't stop him.

His lips were soft they fit with mine like a missing puzzle piece. When we broke apart he picked me up and carried me to my bed. He layed me down and layed next to me. We layed like that until I fell asleep.

Time skip brought to you by the love I have for every single one of you

The next morning when I woke up he was still there. He held me tightly, like if he let go I would float off with the wind. " You know I never thought I would see the devil's kindness. But I'm so glad I did. Thank you much for last night. I needed it so much. Much more than anyone could imagine." I said with a smile.

"I need to go before the boys come to wake you up. Remember (y/n) they care about you. Don't leave them out of what you're going through." He paused, "(y/n) I love you and I don't ever want to see you hurt."

I was so shocked. The devil himself had just told me he loved me. "I love you too. Now go. I think I hear footsteps." With that he was gone.

A few seconds I heard knocking on my door. It was Dean. He always woke me up and Sam always made breakfast for us all. This was my family and for the first time I realized a really wasn't alone.

Hey guys. For those of you who read this chapter please know that there are people who care. I care so if you ever need to talk, please talk to me. I know what it is like to keep everything in until you explode. Please don't do that talk to someone who is willing to listen and help you through whatever you are going through. Thank you for reading. have a nice whatever time you are reading this!

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