They'd reached their camp in no time flat, and a raging chorus of angry hisses and pained yowls echoed through the camp walls out into the forest, and the scents that sent the anger pulsing through him was one of rivalry. One that stank of dishonor.


Why were they here? This was very outrageous. They hauled themselves through the camp entrance, brambles tearing at their flesh, and they were met with the sight of warriors clashing and blood spilling all across the camp. The carnage seemed unintelligible and patternless, so Fireheart just launched himself at the closest cat he could lay his claws on.
In less than a heartbeat he had the soft flesh of a surprised Stumpytail, -who had been swiping half-heartedly at Brindleface,- in his claws, and the warrior pinned, flailing around helplessly under his weight. The fiery warrior slashed his claws down the side of the brown tabby's soft underbelly with a satisfying tear in his skin, blood splattering against the ground, catching fur under his claws, sending the tabby mange-bag, running with his tail between his legs, screeching in pain.
"Get lost" he spat, before turning and making a beeline for the nursery, where he found an unknown warrior taunting speckletail, darting in and striking her before dashing back out, the old queen to frail and slow to protect herself. He was about to launch himself at him when he was blindsided by a massive paw slapping across his face, sending him reeling. He turned to meet the mocking gaze of Darkflower.
"A bit out of practice are we?" She taunted.
Fireheart growled and darted at her, going for her legs, but she hopped away easily.
"What's the matter? This can't be the same apprentice who led the crusade on Brokenstar surely. I see the nursery has made you soft."-
She dashed at him with incredible speed, slicing at his legs as if to prove a point,
-"and slow" She finished. Fireheart almost screeched In pain.
"And pudgy. I don't know how you-" she was cut off as the full weight of Whitestorm landing on her back pushed her to the ground.
"Where have you and Graystripe been?" he yowled. Not waiting for an answer, the white warrior then in a flash of white fur, got up, grabbed her shoulders with his claws and ripped her away, sending her bowling across the hollow. She hissed in anger but dashed off nonetheless, realizing that she couldn't take them both.
All around him warriors were sending ShadowClan screaming left, right and center, the dark clan's cats all haring toward the gorse entrance.
After the last warrior fled from the camp, Thunderclan was given a chance to breathe.
Cats all around the hollow were panting, some on their sides cleaning wounds, and Yellowfang was running around patching up the more serious wounds. he was about to head for the nursery entrance, when he saw from the corner of his eye, Tornear, Onewhisker, and Mudfur, all Windclan warriors, panting in the corner, bloody.
Padding up to them, fur bristling he confronted them.
"And you?" He demanded. The clan gathered around in scrutiny. Mudfur stood forward.
"We had come to warm you. Shadowclan had just raided us during the night. We had only just gotten a seat with Bluestar to warn her about this unprecedented behavior by such a weakened clan, when they hit your camp." He mewed. Gasps were audible throughout the camp at the thought of more Shadowclan terror. Bluestar stepped into the center of the clearing and the whispering hushed.
"I suppose they are intent on making an enemy of both Thunderclan and Windclan. Riverclan must be made aware of this. ShadowClan is devolving back to its short-sighted ways. Even now they haven't learned. Thank you Mudfur, Onewhisker, Tornear. Tell Tallstar that he has full Thunderclan cooperation if need be."
With that, the three Windclan warriors headed back for their territory.

"Thunderclan!" She addressed every cat.
"We will not let ShadowClan's actions today move us. We will not let them win the mental battle. We are stronger and we know we are. We will start the planning of our counter strike once Tallstar gets back to me." She yowled confidently. Cats all begun cheering loudly and enthusiastically, and just like that, they went back to what they were doing before the attack.
As Thunderclan broke back into their groups, Fireheart was about to go and check on his kits when an irritating chunk of flesh stepped in front of him. He sighed.
"What is it Tigerclaw?" He asked, knowing the question.
"I want to know where you and Graystripe were last night." He demanded. Fireheart stared at him unflinching at his harsh tone.
"Out. We sent a messenger. Not like we could've known ShadowClan would do something like this." He said simply. He tried to go around him to get to the nursery, but the deputy moved over back into the way and shoved him back, sending him reeling into the dirt. His head hit a sharp rock that was jutting from the ground, forcing him to let out an involuntary squeak. Definitely bleeding from that one, he huffed to himself. He looked up to give the deputy a piece of his mind, but every cat was looking up, their eyes shifting from him to Tigerclaw. A look of hesitation crossed the deputy's face when he seemed to realize that it looked like he was bullying a queen. He growled under his breath and stalked away, deciding to instead skulk in the shrub aside the warriors' den. Fireheart shook his head and got up, opting for the nursery to check on the kits. He was too ashamed to admit to himself that that fall made him feel ill. As he got to the nursery, Graystripe's head appeared from inside and he pushed his way out.
"They need your comfort" he mewed, licking his mate's cheek. Fireheart ducked into the nursery and the milky scent that he'd grown so accustomed to hit him like a wave. In the corner, both Featherkit and Stormkit were huddled next to Frostfur. Upon hearing him enter the den, their wide eyes locked onto him.

"Fireheart!" they squealed and launched themselves off of the young queen at him, knocking him to the ground with their combined weight. Stonekit climbed onto his chest, clinging to him with all his strength, and Featherkit came up behind him and began tugging on his ear with her needle-like fangs.
"We missed you." She whined. Stonekit looked up too,
"Yeah were did you go?" He chimed in.
Fireheart shook his head laughing.
"Don't worry about that." he turned to Frostfur.
"I'm sorry to have just left them with you without notice. Graystripe and I, we um... needed to get out.." he trailed off with his head slightly lowered suddenly very self-conscious. She just smiled at him knowingly.
"Don't worry. I get it." She simply waved it off,
"But don't give me too much credit, it was Goldenflower who did most of the work." She mewed.
"Really? Where is she?" He mewed, noticing that Bramblekit and Tawnykit were out in the clearing pestering their father.
"She went out for a stroll in the forest." She mewed.
"Is that so? Hopefully she missed the attack. I'll have to thank her when she gets back then. Anyway"- he turned to the kits,
-"did you behave yourselves? I hope you didn't cause trouble." He mewed sternly to them.
"We promise we didn't" Stonekit began.
"Yeah super promise" Featherkit emphasized.
"We promise thiiiis much!" Stormkit reiterated, as he sat on his haunches and held his forepaws wide out, only to lose his balance and fall backward into the nest. Fireheart guessed that meant "a lot".
Frostfur came over and licked Stormkit's head,
"They were very good. You've raised angels. It seems we will have a some respectful and respectable warriors coming into the fold after all. Unlike some kits I know," she raised her voice and glared at Thornkit and Brightkit, who were chasing each other around the elders, who would never yell at them. Especially after the shock of the attack. They both looked up.
"What?" They say in unison. Their mother shook her head in exasperation, before turning to Featherkit and Stormkit.
"Alright kits, leave your mother alone now. Go play with the Hooligans" mewed Frostfur, shooing Fireheart's kits away, and they watched the two scamper off toward the other two. She then returned her attention to him, suddenly full of wonder.
"Now. Where were you and Graystripe last night? It must've been nice if you stayed the night." She began. Fireheart Just shook his head,
"I can't. I promised graystripe I wouldn't tell." He mewed. The queen frowned.
"C'mon. Don't be like that. Now, tell me, and don't spare me a single detail." She demanded lightly, a playful atmosphere once more lending its self to the nursery.
After a couple seconds of intense staring, fireheart gave in. That didn't take much.
"Oh alright. You've pulled my leg. Just don't tell Graystripe I told you this. Keep this our secret. Well let's see.. where do I begin...-" Fireheart was cut off by a mewl from one of the kits.
"FIREHEART!" It was Stormkit's voice, sounding panicked. Without thought, he dashed out and, following the sound of his child, he found himself behind the nursery. His his body ran cold. Stormkit, his son, was covered in blood, standing there hovering over and poking at the unmoving body of Speckletail. Her face smeared, gnarled and ravaged.
"Mama, why won't she wake up? I think she's tired. Maybe we should move her inside." He suggested so very naively. "Actually, she looks sore. Maybe Yellow-"
"Stormkit. Come here now!" He barked, panic rising and expanding in his stomach, weighing him down, his legs turned to jelly as he yanked his son from the corpse.
"Somebody get help! GET YELLOWFANG!" He screamed out ruefully, almost choking on his own voice.

   ——————To Be Continued—————

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