Chatper 15

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"Let every cat old enough to catch their own prey gather around the highrock for a clan meeting." Bluestar yowled, and bodies slithered from every corner of the camp and situated themselves around her as she leaped to the top of the highrock.

Once every cat was seated, staring intently at the subject of the commotion, she opened her mouth,
"As you know, we have an infestation of ShadowClan scavengers who think they can push us around. Now, we are all aware that they don't stand fox claw's sliver of a chance against us, especially in this state, but I have had time to think, and some.. consulting, with some of you" -she glanced at Fireheart. To this he recalled explaining to her that he didn't think all was as it seemed. He said it was a gut feeling, but for whatever reason, she held faith in his instincts. It was nice to see that she listens to the rest of the clan. -"and I have decided that instead of raiding their camp, I will be taking a party to Tallstar's camp so we can discuss investigating this in more detail.
Whitestorm, Longtail, you will accompany me. That is all." She finished, leaping off the rock, and turning toward the exit. To this, Fireheart gave himself a couple of satisfied licks to the chest.

He led himself back to his den, where two eager kits were waiting for him.

"What was that all about?" Stormkit asked, wide-eyed, to which Fireheart shook his head and slumped slightly at the prospect of not being chosen to go, even thought it was his idea. However, he had to remember that there was a good reason he'd never be picked for something like this for the next one-and-a-half moons. He suddenly felt slightly depressed.

"Nothing to worry about darling. Bluestar is just making sure you and everyone else is safe." He meowed to his kit, turning to head back into the nursery.

"Fireheart" Stormkit meowed, his sister silent beside him, to which he ignored them "thats the end of this conversation." he cooed -"Fireheart.." he kept trying to cut in and Fireheart kept ignoring "I need to rest, darling." "Fireheart!" His kit called even louder. Still he couldn't muster the energy to turn and talk to his kit, "Mother!" He yelped. Fireheart stopped in his tracks. The distress in his sons voice snapped Fireheart back into reality. Now, he was a little sheepish at the little episode. He turned to face his kits, this time it was his turn to be wide-eyed.

"We're not little kits anymore. Please stop treating us like newborns." Stormkit mewed crossly, but Fireheart knew that he sounded more brave than he felt, if the shaking was anything to go by. Fireheart felt hollow with the realisation that his kits weren't little anymore. A throng that he'd been trying to avoid for a little while. With a heavy sigh, he beckoned them over with his tail. They came scampering over. He pulled them in for a warm embrace, staring at the floor, then looking them both in the eyes and sighed. Featherkit had her eyes half closed, purring at the warmth, but Stormkit was staring at him expectantly. He'd grown so much from the nervous kit that his sister used to push around. Fireheart sucked in a breath, about to admit something that he hoped he'd never have to admit.

"You're right. You're not. You have grown to be brave, kind, wonderful cats, and I'm so proud of you both." He stopped for a second to wonder when had Stormkit come out of his shell to become so bold and brave. To this he felt a pang of guilt, as he realised that with all of his focus on protecting and teaching them, he had hardly taken the time to watch them grow and progress and become the sterling young warriors-to-be that sat in front of him now. What hurt the worst, was that he'd never get to rewind and do it again. With a thud to his chest, he felt like a failure. He couldn't stop the hurt from shining through, and his kits frowned. Stormkit hurriedly jumped forward.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-" he cut him off,

"No. I'm the one who's sorry. I realise that I haven't been there for you all the times that I should've. You are right. Never apologise for being right just because someone doesn't like it. I need to come to terms with the fact that you are growing up faster than I'd like. I have to start treating you like grown cats at some point. Let me start here."

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