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"Stormkit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Stormpaw. As you proceed to learn the ways of a warrior, you will be mentored by Thornclaw. Thornclaw, this will be your first apprentice, and I'm sure that you will pass your passion and devotion to the clan on to Stormpaw. You are young, but have much to show for your brief time as a warrior." Thornclaw stepped forward, dipped his head at Bluestar and turned to Stormpaw, touching noses with the new apprentice, who couldn't stop shivering with excitement.
The two moved back into the crowd of cats.
"Featherkit, come forth" Bluestar beckoned.
"Until you re-" She was cut off by Featherkit mumbling something inaudible. "What was that Featherkit?" Bluestar inquired, her head tipped to one side.
Pausing, Featherkit stood there awkwardly.
What are you doing, Featherkit? Fireheart thought, a worm of worry writhing as he watched his daughter standing in the middle of the camp, under the scrutiny of the entire clan.
Without thinking, Fireheart darted forward, pressing himself against her comfortingly.
"What's wrong, my kit?" He asked, watching her fidget, and after what felt like a moon, she opened her mouth tentatively.
"I.. don't wanna be a... warrior anymore." She mumbled louder this time, her head facing the floor, her paws working into the ground nervously.
Everyone was silent for a moment, as the leader and the kit faced each other for a second
Bluestar seemed to snap out of her own head after a second.
"Well, this is quite the development. Then what is it that you want?"
"I don't want to hurt anyone. I wanna help them. I really wanna be a medicine cat. I-Is that bad?" She stuttered nervously, looking up at Fireheart nervously. Firehearts mind went into a frenzy. Did she? I never saw that side of her. Fireheart thought to himself, and watched on silently, ensuring that every look he sent Featherkit held nothing but all the love and pride in the world whenever she'd glance up at him. His daughter was going to be a medicine cat.
"No. No not all. This is wonderful news. You are so very special, Featherkit." Bluestar mewed and the air around changed and everyone's eyes seemed to brighten, along with Featherkit, who was suddenly gleaming, a smile edging at the corners of her face.
To this, Fireheart stepped back into the crowd. She didn't need any more comfort.
"Very well. Featherkit, are you sure that this is what you want? If you were to change your mind in the future, you would need to redo your training." She warned.
Just then, Yellowfang loudly barged her way into the circle in the clearing,
"I, too, cannot stress it enough. The life of a medicine cat is a big commitment. You're not only to become a healer but you are also barred from having a mate and kits." the raggedy medicine cat urged with a strained huff. "As a medicine cat, your clan are your children to care for until the day you pass to StarClan. Furthermore, you will become a herald of our warrior ancestors to ThunderClan. Are you willing to assume that kind of responsibility?" She questioned in a harsh, serious tone.
Featherkit dipped her head in thought, clearly thinking it through more thoroughly than before.
"Yes. I do want to be a medicine cat, Yellowfang, and I wanna learn everything you know and help the clan the way you do." She beamed at the snaggletoothed medicine cat, "And I don't need kits if I have a whole clan of kits who are always getting themselves hurt to keep me busy." she tacked on cheekily, earning her a hearty chuckle from the gathered crowd.
"Your sharp tongue will fit right in. Very well, we will then hold your ceremony at the half-moon medicine cat gathering. I am very proud to have you join the medicine cat ranks as a healer and have another pair of paws geared toward peace and protection for those unable to help themselves. Recognise now that the work of a healer contains no borders. Every cat, no matter their clan, is a patient before an enemy." She paused. "Featherkit, you will be known as Featherpaw from this point on, and you shall sleep in the apprentice's den with your brother, however, your training will not commence until you've visited the moonstone and are officially received by StarClan as a medicine cat apprentice." She finished.
I always thought she wanted to be a warrior. She never said anything about wanting to be a medicine cat. Fireheart thought to himself. Well nonetheless, I'm so proud of her. And of Stormpaw. They will grow to be assets to the clan.
"Never saw that one coming", Goldenflower mewed. Snowkit was at her side, staring at Fireheart's kits with love shining in his eyes. Bramblepaw and Tawnypaw had also graduated from the nursery recently, leaving the queen with Speckletail's kit. Fireheart's pelt still pricked when he thought about it.
"Well, I can't say I'm not excited to see how Featherpaw fares as a healer. I truly never thought she was interested in it." He meowed.
"You never do. They always find a way to surprise you." Goldenflower purred. Fireheart sat up.
"Well, I guess my time at the nursery has come to a close. I'll miss the warmth, but I really wanna get out and go hunting and patrolling again. I've missed stretching my legs and I wanna show off that I didn't slack off while here. Tigerclaw has been such a big help. I can't wait to catch Darkflower on our side of the scent line. We all know they'll try." He meowed, leaning into a massive stretch.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you were doing that. Though now that I look, I can see the result. You got muscle under that nursery fluff."
She mewed, laughing a little, looking him up and down.
"Thank you for all of your help, Goldenflower." he mewed, brushing affectionately against her flank. " Well, I suppose I'd better go and congratulate my kits." He mewed and trotted into the centre of the hollow, where everyone was situated, talking about the new apprentices and the surprise medicine cat.
"Fireheart!" He heard Stormpaw before he saw him and was surprised by a pair of thorn-sharp claws digging into his back. Ow ow ow ow! He screeched to himself, turning to his son with nothing but love, hiding that all he wanted to do right now was cuff him behind the ear.
"I'm gonna be a warrior!" He squealed hopping up and down in circles, excitedly. He spun around, bucking in a way that made Fireheart struggle to hold his irritation. After a little bit, he pulled him off and faced him, his face filled with joy.
"Yes, you are. And I'm so proud of you. Listen to Thornclaw and don't give him too much trouble okay?" He mewed, chuckling under his breath, as Stormpaw bounded away in Thornclaw's direction. He couldn't sit still for two seconds. Nothing new there.
Fireheart scanned the clearing for Featherpaw, spotting her talking to Cinderpaw, and trotted off in that direction.
"Featherpaw" he mewed, but before he could reach her, he spotted a guilty look on her face. "What's wrong?" He mewed, and she lifted her head sadly.
"I'm sorry for not becoming a warrior. You were so proud when we said we wanted to be warriors that I didn't want to say anything. I just don't want to fight, and I really like-" he cut her off by pressing himself against her.
"You must not dare to apologise for that. I am so proud of you, and I know you'll make a great medicine cat. You even made Yellowfang smile with that little display. I think she likes you a lot." He mewed. She turned to look up at him.
"Really?" She asked.
"Really" he reassured her, licking her forehead, and wrapping his tail around her.
"Thanks, Fireheart" she whispered.
"You've raised a sterling young she-cat. She'll make a very attentive apprentice." Yellowfang interrupted, appearing behind them, "so long as she doesn't take after you." she jabbed, a humorous purr rumbling in her throat, eying Fireheart knowingly.
"Thanks, Yellowfa– Wait, was Fireheart a naughty apprentice?" Featherpaw mewed with a giggle. Fireheart shot warning daggers at her, and she responded in kind with a challenge before glancing sweetly back down at her new apprentice.

"Oh, absolutely! I'll tell you all about it." she mewed, the spring never leaving her voice, but then she glanced back at him with affection for a moment, "But, he's also the only reason I'm standing here today. Did you know that he saved my life? Featherpaw, if you grow up to be half the cat your parents are, then I think I might be in for an early retirement." she purred, and he smiled sheepishly at her before turning away to find Graystripe. Even now, her praise sent chills up his spine.

There he was, his grey pelt standing out from all the tabby and yellow and brown.
He waved his tail at him and came bounding over.
"Well done, Mother of the Moon. I think you raised some pretty impressive kits." He remarked, twining himself around him.
"And so did you, father of the moon."
"Yes, but 'Mother of the Moon' has a cooler ring to it. Besides, being in the nursery for six moons was not something I think I could've done." He purred with a cheeky chuckle.
"Well, they were a pretty comfortable six moons" Fireheart chuckled.
"yeah, I suppose... I'm glad to finally be allowed to sleep with my mate again. I've missed you a lot, believe it or not." He meowed sarcastically
"You know, maybe you should be the clan comedy cat, I'm sure you'd be an absolute hit." He mewed at Graystripe.
"Really? You think so?" He asked, his head tipped.
"Yeah, a swing over the head with a massive stick." He laughed, leaving Graystripe in a mock frown, before weaving himself around him affectionately, licking the top of his head.

He never thought he'd be so proud to watch his kits go off into their own lives. Silverstream. Are you up there? Did I do it right? He thought to himself, staring up at the blue sky, misty with the chill of leaf-bare. I raised them to be accepted as assets to the clan. Not a single comment about a supposed non-clan cat wanting to be a medicine cat. They're loved by all. Just like you wanted.
And now they're off to prove themselves as loyal members of ThunderClan. The prophecy could wait its turn. This was their moment.


Authors note:
Hey everybody. Thanks for reading this book of Warrior's fanon. It was a lot of fun. I do not have any plans to continue this series in the foreseeable future. My attempts to draw up a plan for the story sequence in the past have sort of gone off the rails. I probably COULD produce something serviceable nowadays, but I simply do not have the time (or frankly the motivation) right now. I think I am satisfied that I created a nice story that you could enjoy, even if only briefly.

If anyone wants a sequel to this, you are welcome to continue writing it and post it to your account. Just link it back to this story if you do. Y'know, artist's credit and all that.

Thanks for reading, and I will see you on the other side of yonder.

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