When the employee was about to make a call, the robbers' quickly ran towards the door and hastily left the store. Lia ran after them and was about to shoot them down when she noticed Loki was gone from where he stood, her eyes strayed and saw 3 other people in black outfits and masks dragging Loki by the arm, he's resisting and they kept dragging. She was about to shoot when suddenly–

"Lia no!" a voice shouted and a string of magic wrap around her hand preventing her to shoot, "don't shoot!" the voice said again. She turned and saw her teammate Caroline restraining her with magic.

A whoosh of air came past her and when she turned she saw someone circling around the robbers', and when it stopped the robbers' are bounded together; it was Ezekiel the speedster, "they're not clones, Lia, don't shoot!" he said.

"Let me go you pathetic mortal peasants!" Loki shouted as he kept twisting free from the men restraining him. "Will you knock this one off!" one of the men demanded. Loki grits his teeth and a glimmer of light peel off of him and he's dressed back to his green armor, produced a dagger in his hand and fought his way out their grip, he was about to stab the men to death when he felt the same magic strings bound his hands and stopped him, "don't go for a kill! They're not clones!" Caroline ordered.

"I don't care! They're trying to take me! I should—" Loki's words was cut off when the men sneaked in on him while he's bound, they injected tranquilizers in him making him faint and the magic strings faded.

"NO!!" Lia shouted and was about to attack when 3 clones appeared in front of her and her teammates. Lia's eyes widened, Caroline's eyes widened, Ezekiel's eyes widened: they came face to face with their own clones, devilishly smirking at them. Lia's hair turned blonde as she took a few steps backwards lining up with Caroline and Ezekiel. Then their clones attacked.

While they're distracted, the men carried the unconscious Loki into their van and drove away. Kobe came out of his hiding place and ran to catch up to the van, but he stopped mid-way and instead planted a punch on the ground. Clear sharp crystals grew on the ground from where his knuckles planted running all the way to the direction of the van to try and stop it, but his crystals were block by the clear crystals produced by his clone, Kobe's eyes widened as he come face to face with his own clone smiling devilishly towards him, then it attacked.

The other three was busy fighting, and Lia sensed that the van got away with Loki in it. She gritted her teeth and with an angry growl, she twist free from her attackers and formed a fist with her hands using her power to crush the clones' necks at the same time, killing them instantly. She panted and goes after the direction of where the van went, only to find Kobe fighting his own clone. Her eyes dilate and Kobe's clone flew up in the air and was smashed down to the ground where Kobe's crystals grew, stabbing it to death.

Kobe looked towards Lia and feared the anger painted all over her features, "I failed to stop the van, I'm sorry..." Kobe said.

Lia growled and went back to where she fought the clones and found the robbers still bound on the ground, her anger flaring up, "you only got one chance to answer this question..." she started through gritted teeth, "where are they taking him?" she asked, left hand tightly clenched to a fist and her right hand firmly holding the pistol. The robbers gulped, cowering in fear, "ANSWER ME!!" Lia shouted jolting the robbers.

One of them laughed shakily, "The Abomination is gonna tear him apart" he said, earning a glare from his fellows.

"Wrong answer..." Lia replied in a deep, angry voice. She lifted her right hand that is holding the pistol and pointed at the man and shot him in the head.

"LIA, NO!!!" Caroline, Ezekiel and Kobe shouted in unison.

Lia shot 3 more times and the bounded men were dead on the spot, she breathed in and out harshly as she stared at the dead men in front of her. Caroline, Kobe and Ezekiel stood frozen and in shock; Lia Collins just broke their only code and killed someone, 4 people to be exact. They're stunned

"You..." Kobe started.

"Did you just..." Ezekiel breathed out.

"Lia... what have you done?" Caroline said in shock

Lia exhaled sharply, her eyes that once held innocence and love, was replaced by burning anger, she angrily scans her surroundings finding people everywhere; they're surrounded with people, gossiping about them and taking videos. Her anger taking over and her eyes turned white causing a major block out to all the people around them; people in the restaurants and stores, on the streets, passersby, they all fell unconscious to the ground, CCTV cameras and video phones rolling were corrupted to erase any videos of evidence. When she's done, her eyes turned back to normal, still glaring and angry.

"You're gonna get detained for what you've done, Lia..." Caroline said, "You broke the C.S.I. code, you killed someone! This is—"

"I DON'T CARE!!" Lia snapped, the other three froze, "for now I don't care what consequences I might face for what I've done, heck, I don't even care about everything else!" she growled, "I'm gonna find them, I'm gonna destroy them, I'll tear them to pieces until there's nothing left!" she said.

Caroline, Ezekiel and Kobe exchanged glances, terrified of saying anything that will infuriate Lia even more. Lia inhaled and exhaled sharply, eyes full of pure anger and her knuckles turning white from holding it to a tight fist for so long.

"And I'm gonna kill every last one of them if I have to. Cause nobody messes with MY God of Mischief!" she finished fiercely.

Innocent Eyes (Loki x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora