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My eyes slowly fluttered open and it took me a moment to realize that Haku was snuggled into my shirtless chest, snoring lightly.

Thoughts of yesterday swam around in my head, making me smile. I don't remember falling asleep with Haku, but I'm guessing at some point he snuck in here.

I leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead, making his eyes flutter open slowly.

"Morning..." He mumbled, giving me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning." I replied cheerfully, kissing his forehead again.

Haku blushed and averted his eyes before sitting up.

"Hurry up and get dressed, we have things to do today." Haku said, walking to the bedroom door.

"I can help you get dressed if you want..." I smirked.

"S-stop teasing me!" Haku exclaimed, his face bright red.

"But you're so cute~!" I cooed.

"J-jerk!" He squealed before rushing out of the room.

I snickered to myself as I got out of bed and walked to my closet. I pulled out my clothes and threw them on, securing my headband to my neck and putting on my glasses.

By the time I was done in my room getting ready, Haku was already in the kitchen, prepping breakfast. I walked in the dining room and sat at the table with a sigh.

"Bacon or sausage?" Haku asked, tying a apron around his waist.

"Sausage." I replied, giving him a teasing look.

Haku rolled his eyes and started digging around in the fridge, ignoring me. I pulled out a book, but not just any book, an orange book. I read it while Haku was cooking breakfast and I couldn't help but blush. How the hell Kakashi can read this stuff is a mystery.

I snapped my book shut once Haku placed a plate in front of me, pecking my cheek before walking away. Haku sat across from me and picked up his fork.

"Dig in!" He said before taking a bite of eggs.

I also picked up a spoonful of eggs and shoveled it into my mouth, looking at my plate of eggs, sausage and toast.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked, swallowing some food.

"We should probably do some training." Haku replied. "The last round of the chuunin exams is coming up, only a few more weeks."

"What about later?" I asked. "The spring festival is tonight afterall."

"After training and some yukata shopping we can go." He replied, nodding his head.

"Then I guess we'll start training after breakfast?" I suggested.

"Yeah." He agreed.

We finished eating and I relaxed on the couch while Haku washed the dishes quickly. After he finished the dishes we both left the house with some scrolls and books, off to find a quiet place to study and train.

We walked through the village and I looked at Haku when I felt a hand slip into mine. Haku smiled at me sheepishly, and I smiled back. A few people stared, but I ignored it the best I could.

We walked towards the edge of the village and eventually came to a small forest with a path. I looked at Haku, tilting my head in mild confusion.

"We can train in a clearing." Haku said, answering my unasked question. "That way we won't be disturbed."

"Makes sense." I shrugged.

Haku chuckled softly and continued through the forest, pushing aside the tree branches as we went further along the path.

Haku reached out to push aside more branches, but paused when he heard shouting.

"Come on!"

"It sounds like Naruto." I mumbled, glancing at Haku.

He shrugged in return and pushed aside the branches, revealing a small clearing with a stream running through it. Naruto stood beside the stream in nothing but his boxers, soaking wet while a man with long white hair laughed at him.

I coughed awkwardly into my fist, making Naruto and the man look at us. Naruto was first to see us and his face quickly morphed into a toothy grin.

"Quit hiding in the bushes!" Naruto shouted. "Get over here!"

Haku smiled and walked into the sunlight, dragging me along by the hand. I didn't notice the smile that wormed its way onto my face.

"Hey Haku, hey Yuuto! What've you two been up to?" Naruto asked, the mysterious man began walking toward us.

"Nothing much." I shrugged, forcing down an awkward cough.

"You know... Just training." Haku mumbled, trying to hide our hands by moving closer to me.

"Who the hell are these two?" The white haired man asked, looking at Naruto.

"That's Haku," Naruto started, pointing at him. "And that's Yuuto, a member of my team."

The man stared at Haku for a second, but I saw the surprise flash across his face as he saw me. He stared for a while, and to break the uncomfortable silence, I reverted back to my sarcastic self.

"Take a picture, that way you can stare at me forever." I scoffed. "Or, you could stop looking like a pedophile."

The mans shocked face quickly morhed into an unsettling grin.

"Sorry about that." He said, taking a step back. "I am Jiraiya! The Legendary Toad Sage!"

At the end of the introduction, a giant toad had appeared, and Jiraiya stood on its back, posing dramatically.

Haku smiled, although I saw a sweat drop on his forehead, Naruto rolled his eyes, and I clapped. Slowly, and sarcastically.

"And I'm Yuuto! The Legendary Dragon of Konoha!" I mocked, ruffling my feathers.

Haku and Naruto both snickered, Jiraiya glared at me.

"Anyways, I was wondering if Yuuto and I could train here?" Haku asked politely.

"Sure." Jiraiya shrugged.

"Alright!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Just go back to training already." Jiraiya sighed. "I'm busy doing research."

"Research?" Haku and I asked.

"Please don't ask." Naruto sighed. "It's for those porn books he writes."

Haku made a disgusted face and I shook my head.

"A pedophile and a pervert. Even worse." I sighed, making Naruto and Haku laugh.

"I heard you!" Jiraiya yelled from the distance.

The three of us snickered before starting some training. Naruto practiced walking on water, Haku practiced using his kekkei genkai to make things, and I was working on my swordskills and fire jutsus, which I was getting much better at.

Hours went by, and we all took a break, relaxing by the river.

"So," I started. "Are you going to the spring festival Naruto?"

"Of course! I never had anyone to go with before, but now I have friends I can go with." Naruto exclaimed. "It'll be my first festival!"

"I love festivals, Zabuza used to take me all the time, although we were in disguise." Haku said.

"I went to festivals with my parents when I was younger...." I sighed.

Haku heard the sadness in my voice and gripped my shoulder reassuringly.

"Well this time, we'll all go together!" Naruto exclaimed.

"But first, Yuuto and I have to go buy yukatas." Haku said.

"See you tonight Naruto." I said, waving goodbye as Haku and I got up.

"See you around!" Naruto replied.

Haku and I headed back to the village, ready to spend hours shopping.


Enjoy this while you can! I have no clue when updates are coming!"

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