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When the food arrived my eyes were practically sparkling, making Haku giggle softly.

We both picked up our chopsticks and started putting meat onto the grill, making a satisfying sizzling sound. We flipped the meat and waited for it to be cooked, I tapped my chopsticks against the table to pass the time. Haku put the grilled fish back on his plate and then put the pork on mine.

I picked up a piece of meat and put it in my mouth immediately, making Haku's eyes widen. I was going to spit it out before I burned my tounge, but I felt no pain from it.

"Careful!" Haku scolded. "It's hot!"

"I know," I replied before swallowing. "I can't feel the heat."

"Maybe you're heat resistant now?" Haku suggested.

"I guess so." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I plopped another piece of meat into my mouth.

Haku started blowing on his food to cool it down as I continued eating, my sharp teeth tearing through the meat.

Once we had finished with our meal and paid, Haku's hand found it's way into mine and he began leading me out of the restaurant. I followed after him obediently, smirking when I noticed Haku's red ears.

"Now we have to get you some new clothes, you can't wear a tattered shirt." Haku said.

"I could always walk around shirt-less." I teased, wanting to see his reaction.

"N-no! T-that isn't p-proper!" Haku exclaimed, his face getting redder.

"Only teasing Haku!" I chuckled, patting him on the head.

Haku huffed and pouted, trying to turn away so I couldn't see his red face.

"Look the stores just ahead." Haku said, pointing at the store to change the topic.

Haku continued to drag me along until we got to a clothes store, one I'm not familiar with. A small bell rang when we opened the door and Haku yanked me inside.

"Welcome!" A man said, giving us both a wave.

Haku nodded his head in greeting before pulling me off towards a rack of clothes.

"You need clothes that allow your wings and tail to be free." Haku said, wondering over to a rack of shirts. "Any color preferences?"

"Black and white." I replied, shrugging.

"So monotone..." Haku teased.

"Helps me blend in." I shrugged.

"I don't think you can really blend in anymore." He snickered.

"True." I sighed.

Haku and I started searching around for clothing that wouldn't constrict the movements of my wings and tail.

We looked at crop tops for men, but they all would've pushed my wings down, very painfully.

I almost gave up until Haku showed me a black top with the back in a huge V.

"I think this will work, it's tighter once you put it on and the back is open." He explained, handing me the shirt.

"Great, I'll go try it on." I replied, taking the shirt to the front.

I asked for a change room and the man unlocked one before ushering me inside. I stepped inside and began taking off my tattered shirt before trying on the new one. The shirt was black and had an open back in a V, the sleeves only went to my forearm and like Haku said, it was tighter.

I stepped out of the change room and Haku approached me, looking at me from head to toe.

"Like what you see?" I teased, smirking.

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