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I wake up after my alarm clock goes off at 6:00am, leaving me an hour before school starts. I roll out of bed and stretch, making sure to stretch all of my important muscles and joints. I stretch my wings before pressing them against my back and flick my tail before wrapping it around my torso.

"Whoever decided school starts even earlier here is an asshole." I mumble to myself as I trudge to my new closet, filled with the same outfit.

I put on my black tank top and slip on my black cargo pants, also fastening the belt. I put my vest on, but kept the hood down for now. I found my black sandals beside my bed and slipped them on, wondering sleepily to the bathroom. I picked up my hair brush and brushed my silky black hair that went just past my shoulders. I stumbled back into my room and began feeling around for my trusty spectacles.

"Ah ha!" I exclaimed once I found them.

I put my round black glasses on and adjusted them on my nose.

"It's a miracle! I can see!" I yell to no one in particular.

That reminded me of Men in Tights... The fact I remember that is surprising. It's a good thing I don't have roommates, they'd think I'm crazy.

I rush into the kitchen and grab an apple, I'm not really feeling hungry today. I walk into my living room and pick up my gray notebook and pencil case before grabbing my key and heading out. 

I locked the door and turned around quickly, bumping into a blob of yellow and orange. I barely managed to not scream, 'Nate you dumbass!' I fell flat on my ass with a groan.

"Sorry! I'm in a hurry!" The energenic voice apologized.

"Me too actually." I replied, finally looking up to see who ran into me.

Holy shit it's Naruto!

"Sorry about bumping into you!" Naruto said, his face a little red.

Is he blushing? Why is he blushing?

"No problem, I was in a hurry." I replied.

"Hey I don't think I've seen you before, what's your name?" Naruto asked.

"It's Yuuto, what about you?" I replied.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" He exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you, but I need to hurry to the Academy now." I said, getting up and dusting myself off.

"I'm going to the Academy too!" He blushed. "I can take you there."

"Sure." I agreed, still trying to figure out why he was blushing.

Naruto led the way to the Academy, weaving in between people as they glared at him. Naruto cheerfully ignored them and continued to lead me to the Academy.

"Here we are!" Naruto exclaimed, standing in front of the Academy with his arms spread out.

"Thanks Naruto." I said, walking into the building. 

Naruto followed after me and we eventually came to a classroom that Naruto said was for our year. I slid open the door and walked in first, Naruto coming in after me.

"Class we have a new student!" The teacher yelled, bringing all of the childrens gazes to the front of the room. "Introduce yourself please."

"My name's Yuuto, nice to meet you all." I said, giving a small friendly wave.

"Any questions for Yuuto?" The teacher asked.

Hands shot up, weirdly enough they were mosty female.

"Sakura." The teacher called.

A pink haired girl stood up and asked her question. "Are you a boy or a girl?"

Most of the class looked eager to know the answer, leaning forward in their seats.

"I'm a boy." I replied, making Naruto squeal.

"You're a boy?!" Naruto yelled.

"Uh, yeah? I thought it was obvious." I said, rolling my eyes. "Next question!"

A boy raised his hand. "How come you're wearing glasses?"

"I'm farsighted, I can't see anything very well when it's too close to me. My glasses correct my eyes." I answered, repeating what they eye doctor said.

"Why're your eyes yellow?" A blonde girl yelled out, flipping her hair.

"I don't know, why is your voice annoying?" I retorted.

The girl huffed and sank into her seat, her face buring in embarassment.

"How come you have long hair?" A boy with a white dog asked.

"I don't know, I kinda like it long." I replied, twirling a piece of hair between my fingers. My hair is super nice, just saying.

"Alright class, I'm sure that's enough questions for Yuuto!" The teacher addressed the class before turning to me. "I'm Iruka-sensei, I hope you'll learn lot's and make plenty of friends here."

"Thanks sensei." I replied, giving him a nod.

"Yuuto, you can sit next to Naruto." Iruka-sensei said, pointing to Naruto.

Naruto gave me a cheerful wave and I made my way over to him, sitting in the seat next to him on the end. I glanced to the other side of Naruto and saw a kid in black, I immediatly knew it was Sasuke Uchiha, the character I didn't like right off the bat. Naruto raised an eyebrow when he saw me staring at the Uchiha, but I ignored him and looked to the front of the room. 

I sat quietly in class taking notes as I began to think of the Naruto plot. What team will I be placed on if I graduate? Will I graduate? Can I save Zabuza and Haku possibly? This is going to be fun! I'm totally fucking with the plot!

Once the day of classes had finally ended I found myself to be surrounded by girls. In my past life this would've been great, but I'm eight and they don't look friendly.

"Can I help you?" I asked slowly, glancing around.

"Are you trying to be cooler than Sasuke!?" The pinkette, Sakura asked loudly.

"No?" I replied, honestly confused.

"Then why are you wearing all black and being all mysterious?!" The blonde, Ino shrieked.

"Because I like the colour black." I answered.

"Why do you have hair like a girl!?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know, I just have nice hair!" I replied, getting mildly annoyed.

The girls were going to continue, but before they could I walked away. I left the classroom quickly, dashing down the hall and to the exit.

"Bullet dodged, I repeat, Bullet dodged." I sighed to myself.

Once far enough away from the Academy I started walking again, shaking my head.

"They're really rude for a group of eight year old girls." I mutter, shaking my head.

Eventually I got back home and searched through my kitchen, looking for something good for dinner.

"Instant ramen it is!" I exclaimed as I began heating up the water.

I ate my dinner quickly and waited for the sun to set, the perfect time to go stretch my wings. I threw out the dissposible ramen cup and got ready to leave. I took off my glasses and set them down, not wanting to break them. Once the moon was up I left my apartment, locking it behind me. I climbed another flight of stairs and climbed onto the roof, taking off my vest. I held my vest in my arms as I stretched my wings out and allowed my tail to snake out from under my shirt.

I took a huge leap off the building and waited for my wings to catch the air. I pumped my wings as fast as I could and slowly began getting higher and higher, soaring above the village. The Hokage mountain came into view and I started to slow down, deciding to rest on top. I landed softly on my feet and folded up my wings again. I sat on the edge of the mountain and gazed out at the village lit up at night.

"This is home."

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