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Chapter 9 • Her Beach Day

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The sound of crashing waves, the smell of fresh saltwater, and bright morning light wake me from a fantastic night's sleep. However, it does bring with it the slightest bit of pain above my right eye where a hangover is threatening to unleash fury for yesterday's wine consumption. I'm sure the beers didn't help.

Every morning for the last week I have woken and stared down the empty pillow to my right. That was always Cody's spot; he had to sleep on the right side of the bed. I could sleep there now, or I could sprawl out in the center; shit, I could sleep at an angle with my head at the bottom of the bed if I wanted to. But no, I keep to my spot on the left. Perhaps it's habit or perhaps my mind still thinks of it as his spot. It's not though. I'm not going to be one of those girls that accepts an apology for being treated like absolute shit. This whole bed is mine.

As much as I don't want to pry myself from these sheets, I'm limited on Bali time and would like to make the most of the experience.  I slide out, hesitating before stepping down onto my foot.  I give it a little stretch, bending it back and then forward.  It still hurts, but the ankle swelling has gone down and it's almost back to a normal size.

I cringe as I limp my way to the coffee pot. There is a basket filled with different selections of coffees and teas to choose from; I sift through it before selecting a raspberry coffee. It's something I wouldn't have normally made, as Cody would only drink hazelnut flavored. But, since I have a screw-Cody mindset this morning - I will drink something different, something I actually want to try.

When I take my first sip of the hot beverage I actually find myself closing my eyes and  moaning with an "mmm" to myself.  

"Screw hazelnut - raspberry is where it's at," I giggle and tell my mug.   I take it to the deck to drink and watch the ocean, something I plan to do every morning while here.

Empty beer bottles still sit right where Hodge and I left them last night.  I glance over to his deck, seeing it empty except for a blue mug sitting on the table.  He's apparently a much earlier riser than myself.   I wonder if he was up early enough to see sunrise.  I need to add that to my list of things to do before leaving Bali.

I know the reason why I'm in a good mood today is because he is here.  Hodge took my mind away from a night I was absolutely dreading.  He made me laugh and instead of prying about why I'm alone in a honeymoon suite - and for that I am so thankful. Although I am extremely curious as to how he ended up at a couples resort by himself, I know not to ask. He didn't seem too excited about it last night.

I take my time, sipping slow, enjoying every bit of coffee and a beautiful Bali morning, before deciding that today I will stick to the beach.  Baby steps; I want to be comfortable around the resort before venturing off into unfamiliar territory alone.  My anxiety can only handle so much, so fast.

Out of the six bikinis that I stuffed into my suitcase, I select a solid teal one with criss-cross straps under the bust with bottoms that have the same straps on the sides.  Kara helped me pick it out, along with some bridal lingerie that is buried under everything.  I didn't have the heart to unpack it.  I tie my hair up, keeping it off my neck so that maybe I can gain a little bit of a tan while here.  With some oversized sunglasses, sunscreen, a notebook and pen, towel, and my flip flops, I'm out the door.

I select a happy middle, a spot between the the resort and the line of overwater bungalows, so that I stay near a bar and bathrooms. Thankfully, as soon as my towel is down, a very nice employee offers me my choice in beverages. It may be early, but I'm drinking. Gretchen always told me the best way to get over a hangover is to drink the next morning and she has never been wrong. The girl knows her shit.

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