Chapter 3 Mr. Fabulous

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It’s barely six and her parents left, first a movie then dinner. Her house is just like mine, pictures everywhere and a big couch, ‘where is Ry’ Sav asked with a concern voice, ‘they all went to the beach with their friends, don’t worry he’ll be fine’, ‘so we are alone?’ I ask. They all smile at each other and scream ‘yes’.

We order pizza and as Rydel picks a movie, ‘what’s your favorite Bridget?’, ‘oh, I have tons of it, the Hobbit, Inception, Looper… I can go on forever’, ‘I don’t have any of those but, have you seen this?, ‘He’s just not into you? I haven’t but it sounds great’. As soon as the movie ends Ross and Ryland walk in, saying hi to the girls and me, ‘where’s Rocky?’, Lex says a bit upset, ‘you need to call him, Riker, Ell, and the rest of them went buying some alcohol, where’s mom and dad?, Ross ask. ‘I am going to kill him, where’s my phone?’ Rydel yells.

I don’t know what to do, should I say something or just leave, what should I do, ‘maybe I should go home?’, ‘what? No, please stay everything is fine’, ‘sure Rydel? I don’t want to bother with my presence’, ‘you shouldn’t be worried, and it’s my brother who has to be worried about’. ‘What’s your name?’, ‘Bridget, from London’, ‘I am Ross’, ‘I know, we met this morning’, ‘oh I’m sorry, last night we had a party and we were still sleepy’, ‘don’t worry, it happens to me all the time’ we both laugh.

We are now at Rydel’s bedroom, ‘sorry you had to see that, my brothers are so stupid’, ‘don’t worry, my brother and I do stuffs like that back in London’, ‘oh, we were there once on tour’, ‘tour?’ I replied, ‘yeah, with my band’, ‘you have a band? What kind?’, ‘well, a rock band, with my brothers and my bhh… best friend’ she says as she turned red, ‘I’m sorry I didn’t know’, ‘you are invited to the next show, they always come’ she says pointing at Savannah and Alexa.

I heard a noise downstairs, I check my phone and its half past three, I lift myself from the bed and go check the door. Walking downstairs, I see a guy closing the door in the dark and I alarm a little, ‘Rydel?’, ‘no’, ‘damn, I got the wrong house again?’, ‘what do you mean again?’, ‘oh, nothing who are you?’, ‘Bridget the neighbor, Rydel invited me over’, I say a bit shy. As he turned the lights on I see is her older brother, ‘what’s your name?’ I asked as he gave me this look of doubt, ‘don’t you know me’, ‘I know you live here, if that counts’ I say sitting in the stairs, ‘I am Riker Lynch from R5, you really didn’t know? He says in a sarcastic way, ‘well I am sorry Mr. Fabulous but I didn’t know’ I say and ran to the bedroom.

I see the sunrise in the window, I get up and go to the bathroom with my tooth brush, after a few minutes I heard someone knocking the door, I open and see this creepy guy from last night, ‘are you leaving now?’ he says in a rude way without having an answer. I change my pajamas and walked out the house.

Why he has to be so rude, I ask to myself now lying in my bed, what if he is a rock star, he has no right of treating me like that, I mean what did I do to him, what is problem, I think as I roll in my bed and fall asleep again.

After a while, I wake up and get ready for a bath, my mom knocks the door, ‘someone is looking for you’ she says as Rydel walks in, ‘hey why did you leave so early’, ‘I am so sorry, it’s just that I didn’t feel good’, ‘oh ok, so it has nothing to do with Riker coming a bit drunk last night?’ she says as she sit in the bed, ‘oh no, is just that I still don’t get used to the jetlag’, ‘really? Because he asked me about you, he says that he scared you last night, he is very sorry’, ‘scare me? No, he didn’t, jus took me by surprise’, ‘I am so ashamed with you, he never does that, I don’t know what happened, don’t get mad at me please’, ‘oh no Rydel how could I?’, ‘thanks’.

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