Chapter 2 New friends

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Back in home, I start unpacking, my books first, thank god Louis knows how big my book collection is and I have a big shelter in my room, I put my clothes in the closet, my shoes go there too, my photos and posters are hanged in the walls, as soon as I finish I go to my brother’s room, he owns an enormous collection of videogames, so his shelter his bigger than mine, then I put his clothes in the closet, I put the action figures and the rest of his toys in the desk. ‘Now it looks like home’ I say to myself. Even if it doesn’t I would have to get use to it, at least my neighbor is nice.

I heard the door bell as I walked down stairs, I open the door and I see Rydel, all dressed up, oh no, I forgot the party, ‘hey, I thought it was at three’, ‘yeah, but mom and dad are back, so we have to cancel everything, but my friends and I are going to the mall, and I want you to come with us, since I let you down with the big party’ she say with a smile, ‘are we leaving now?’, ‘yeah, as soon as they get to my house, so you have like 10 minutes’, ‘Oh ok come in, I’ll be ready in five and I’ll show the house’.

We walk upstairs and got into my room, I put some make up on and iron my hair a little, I pull out my closet a pair of jeans and a tank top, ‘wow I don’t know any of this books, I though like any girl you would have all the romance books that are now movies’ she said sarcastic as she laughs, ‘well I have all the Harry Potter saga, in a special edition box’ I say with a mirth.

Ten minutes later we are out waiting for the car, two girls inside, we jump into the car, as Rydel do the presentation, ‘Sav, Lex meet Bridget my new neighbor, they’re my brothers girlfriends and also my best friends’, ‘nice to meet you girls’, ‘hi girly ‘ Lex says as Sav just give me a big smile. We walk into the mall looking for some ice-cream, ‘so how do you feel the weather Bri’ Sav says, ‘hot’, ‘well thanks but she asked about the weather’ Lex says as we laugh so hard that everyone around just stare at us.

After a few hours we are back at Rydel’s house, I say good bye to them and started walking to my house, I heard Lex calling my name, ‘we are staying with Del tonight why don’t you stay with us’, ‘I don’t know, let me ask mom’, ‘I’ll go with you’, ‘Thanks Rydel’ I say and walked to home. Mom say yes immediately, I didn’t feel so good but I said yes just to not seem unwonted, I grab my pajamas, my tooth brush, some underclothes, my blanket and walk to Rydel’s.

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