Chapter 1

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Next morning I wake up at the sound of my phone, ‘hey, how is everything going on’ my brother ask me, ‘fine, have you see the house?, it´s better than the apartment we used to live in, I guess now we can have a party and mom won´t freak out about the furniture’; ‘haha, yeah maybe when I get there, we could have one, I’m glad you liked it, I though you would love the pool, that’s why I opt for it’; ‘wait, have you been here before?, how come?’; ‘well, when I found out dad was having an affair, I told mom I didn’t want to come back to London, so she allow me to stay with my uncles, then she told me she didn’t want to stay close to dad anymore, so she gave me this quest of finding us a new home, grandma Eve helped me and a month later you guys are already there’; ‘incredible, you did all this on your own, guess you are not my little brother anymore right? Haha’

After a few minutes of laughs we say goodbye to each other, I go outside to take some photos of the house to send to my friends who just moved to Paris, I was supposed to go with them but right now I just want to know the other part of my family, when I was born my dad decided to accept a new job in Scotland, after my brother was born we moved to Italy, but my mom didn’t like it so after a year we moved out to London, so I’ve never been close to my mom’s family.

I always knew my parents we’re not the perfect couple but I never thought this would happen to my family, we were so blind, all the signs dad gave us, oh God, I can’t believe he’s having a new baby it’s so absurd, he is almost fifty.

I heard a voice that pulls me back to reality, ‘hey, I’m sorry, didn’t want to bother you’ she said, ‘don’t worry, I was just thinking to hard’, we both laugh. ‘I am Rydel by the way’ ‘Bridget, your new neighbor, new in the street, the state and the country’; ‘haha I see, where are you from? You need a tan immediately’ she says with a big smile on her face.  ‘I know, I am from London, we just arrived yesterday, my mom and I, and my brother will join us in a few months’; ‘I see, and what do you think about California’, ‘So far so great’ I say with a smile.

‘Hey listen, we are having a party at 3:00 pm, my parents aren’t in town so my brothers and I are taking all the chances we get to have fun with our friends, you can come since we are now friends’, ‘oh yeah, last night you were a bit too loud, but sure I’ll be there, just that I don’t know how to dress’, ‘hmm, a bikini maybe, we have a pool, so don’t worry that’s all that matters’, ‘yeah I know but I don’t have one’, ‘really?, I have a few I haven’t used so why don’t you come over’.

We walk to her house, she is a total Cali girl, blonde, tanned, skinny, I’m never liked sun that much so I am a bit white than her. We arrived to the front door, ‘you ready?’, ‘for what’ I asked. She opened the door and I see a bunch of guys in front of the TV. ‘They’re my brothers, Riker, Rocky, Ryland and Ross, and my best friend Ratliff, she’s Bridget from London, I invited her to the party’, ‘hi’ I said taking my off my beanie and walking to the stairs, ‘hello’ they all said at the same time without taking their eyes off the TV. ‘They seem nice’ I say to Rydel as we both laugh and walk to her room. She gave me a purple bikini, my favorite color. I try it on, it looks good on me, ‘you can have it’ she says, ‘thanks, this is actually my first bikini’ we both laugh. ‘So, you should be here at three ok?’, ‘ok, thanks Rydel’. I go to my house waiting for the hour to come.

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