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Jimin's P.O.V

We were all huddled on my bed talking about this supposed 'soulmate'.

We had already gotten ready for the party but we still couldn't figure out who the mystery lover was so we all had our laptop's and phones for research.

"So, let's look at the key factors of why one of these three could be your
soulmate. We can try to narrow it down." Minjae said sitting down.

"Does anyone know about Jongin well enough to give facts about him?"

"Well he's Taemin's best friend. They're basically inseparable. He has incredible dance skills and an amazing voice to compliment it. You two would really be like a power couple in the school." Jin hyung said.

"Except, for the fact that he has a husband already. His name starts with K, I think. Wait, let me search (stalk) his profile and see. Although, he doesn't really post so I might have to dig deep." Hoseok said thoughtfully.

"If he does have a husband, which I'm nearly 100% sure he does, and he's my soulmate, I'm not gonna sperate them. I'm not gonna be the homewrecker. No sir." I shook my head.

I remember Jungkook telling me about Kai and Kyungsoo getting married. It was a while ago. There is also no way I was ever going to do that, especially to Jongin hyung who has been nothing but nice to me.

"But if he's your soulmate, that gives you the right. Plus, you two would actually be pretty cute." Minjae said.

"Soulmate or not, I just don't feel that way towards him in any way. Jongin hyung is nice but I can't see him as more than a friend or a brother. He's like how you guys are to me, like family. I can't even imagine if he were to be my soulmate because it's not something I want. If I were dating any of you, it would be weird. Just like how it's weird with Jongin hyung. He's just a hyung." I replied, not wanting to think about him being a possible contender.

"Well Jimin, you're in luck because Jongin has a husband and his name is Kyungsoo. He's very possessive of Kyungsoo so I don't think he would want to let him go anyway."

"It could still be him though, he matches most of the description." Jin said confused.

"Actually, no he doesn't. It says someone will confess to him at the party and he will date them if you don't do it first. So he's definitely out since he's already got a husband. He seems to love him a lot, I doubt he would leave him so quickly with no thought. That would be extremely stupid." Minjae countered.

"So now that Jongin is off of the list, it just leaves Taemin and Jungkook. We've narrowed it down to two from like the hundreds of people we had yesterday before grandma park called about the partner thing." Hoseok said smiling.

"Now let's see, I'm pretty sure both Jungkook and Taemin are single so it could be either. They're both great dancers, have both worked on projects with you, both of them go to our school, they're both obsessed with music, both of their music is your style and neither of them have ever dated. Obviously, you've known Jungkook for longer but you've known Taemin for a while now." Hoseok shook his head.

I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.

"Maybe I should just leave it to fate and see where it takes me. Maybe I really am not made for love." I sighed.

"Don't be negative! We're so close to finding out about it, don't give up!" Jin said shaking me.

"Yeah, this could be our breakthrough. We just have to do a little research. Lighten up Jimin! This is for you! You'll be with the love of your life, your perfect match. Trust us." Minjae said smiling.

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, I trust you guys." I said sighing.

I trust you guys, but do I trust myself?

"Yay! Let's see if Taemin has someone he likes or is completely and utterly a single Pringle." Jin said.

I wonder what it would be like to date Jungkook.

Would he be a funny supportive boyfriend that you can trust with your life? Someone that can hold your hand and give you a reassuring smile that makes you forget about all your worries? Someone who's always there for you? Someone that loves you no matter what you're like? Someone that doesn't ask for more of you? Someone who understands you just by looking at you? Someone who loves you for you? Someone who doesn't care about titles or money? Someone who I need?

Someone who'll always be there for me?

Someone I'll love?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Jin.

"Earth to Jimin! Hoseok figured out who your soulmate is! Listen to him." Jin said excitedly.

"I thought you were listening the whole time but I guess not. I looked at Taemin's site and I couldn't find a trace about a boyfriend or crush in any way (although I swear that he's crushing on or dating Minho) so it was back to square one but then I realised that-"

Hoseok is cut off by Taehyung and Yoongi slamming the door to my room open.

"-Let's go guys! The party has already started and the other two have already left since we said that we'd get you guys. Don't delay any longer, let's go!" Taehyung said ushering us.

"For once listen to him, let's go, quick!" Hoseok shouted.

"That's the spirit! Put your shoes on we're going in my car." Yoongi hyung said smiling.

We quickly put our shoes on and got inside the car. Two in front, four of us squeezed in the back.

"Jimin, I have to tell you now. Don't panick when I tell you who it is okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Of course I won't panick! Tell me, please." I begged.

He got closer to my ear and quietly whispered,

"It's Jeon Jeongguk."



Wow, I'm still alive 🙃

I'm sorry for such a late update, I know I haven't touched this book in like a million years but I was very busy with school and had major writers block due to it.

For those who were waiting for an update, thank you for sticking with the book 😭💗💖💞

💜💜💜💜I PURPLE YOU💜💜💜💜

I love you precious nuggets, potatoes, aliens and whatnot 😭💜

Again, sorry for the late update! ❤️🙏

~Author-nim ;-;

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