Chapter 29- Precious People

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QOTD: You watching any anime?

*Not yet rewritten 


I know it's a common thing nowadays to have a bucket list. I have one and I don't even know why. But then again, I think having a bucket list is a really great idea. Listing down the things you want to do in your life. Seeing that lifetime of choices.

My bucket list were filled my mortal desires, like visiting Paris, or seeing Robin Williams one day.

Thinking back on it, I really didn't want much in life. I was content with everything I had or when it all came crashing down, all I wanted was for someone to save me. From the pain and from the solitude. I wanted it to all go away, but now I have the Thymes.

"I miss all of you guys. Alice, I miss your crazy hyper energy. Jake and Jared, I miss your pranks. And now, I'm panicking because I have no idea how to get back down there. I mean, when am I going to be ready?" I asked to no one, but still watched everyone training, some of them laughing, Drake's head in a toilet.

"Well, Drake. Karma's a bitch." I smiled, but as soon as it came, it was gone, "This war was meant for me to stop. So that no one had to suffer losing someone they loved, but what am I doing here? Absolutely nothing. I was supposed to be the savior of this world but look at me now. Am I this weak?"

"Isabelle, for the seven years I was in your life, I didn't raise you to be a quitter and a pathetic whiner. I raised a young girl who was never supposed to give up." My mom's voice rang then she appeared in front of me, "Tell me, Belle. Do you have precious people? People you want to protect?" (a/n: inspired by the character named Haku from Naruto)

"Of course! I have Falco, Alice, Jake, and Jared! Maybe even Chris now!" I exclaimed.

"When you have precious people you want to protect, that's when a person becomes truly strong, I believe. Don't forget that." She smiled and kissed my forehead, "My death was not your fault, okay? It never was. I must say though, a werewolf dying because of faulty brakes, didn't see that one coming." She joked and laughed causing me to chuckle as well.

"Yeah, I will protect them. No matter what! I promise!"

"That's good."

"Hey mom?" I called out and put my chin on her shoulder as I hugged her.

"Yes, dear?" She asked as she stroked my hair.

"I love you." I said and closed my eyes, picturing what could have been if she were alive.

"I love you too."


War. It meant one thing; Bloodshed. How was I going to protect these werewolves, when I couldn't protect my mate?

"Do you have someone precious to you? Someone you want to protect?" A voice whispered through my ears as the wind passed by.

'What was that?' I thought as the wind continued to blow, the leaves rustling and the trees dancing to the wind.

"When you have precious people you want to protect, that's when a person becomes truly strong, I believe." The voice echoed once more, it was gentle, kind, and soft. The wind continued to dance with the trees and the leaves.

'Precious people, huh?' I smiled as a memory came up.

"Oy, Alice. What's the big deal of making Belle and everyone else watch Twilight? I mean, they got everything wrong! We don't burn in the sun. But we definitely don't sparkle." Jake and Jared hollered.

"Hey now! I brought this movie so we could laugh at it! Of course we're not here to enjoy it! Who do you think I am?! I mean, they totally took my name." (a/n: okay guys, seriously, stop bothering me with Alice's name! I just thought of it the moment I was making the characters! Alright, don't get mad at me. I swear, I mean, I love Twilight also, but you have to admit, there are some funny parts and weirdness in the movie [like perhaps, the fact that kristen stewart turned bella into a mouth breather?] no hate, guys)

"Maa, Alice, relax." Belle said happily as she plopped down the seat beside the twins.

"Alright, let's just get started." Falco sighed as he started the tape.

Minutes passed by and loads of shouting was tossed around, "That truck had no driver! Did you fucking see that? No driver!" Jake shouted and threw popcorn to the TV.

More time passed by and then again, shouting as they paused to the scene in a gym, "Who the fuck is that small girl?! Like, come on! Who is that? The director's daughter?" (a/n: haha, totally took this from cinemasins on YouTube) Belle shouted.

Their scene of the field trip popped up, where Bella tripped, "Did you see that?! The girl in front of Bella, disappeared! Apparently, Bella fell so hard, that she pushed the girl into another dimension." Belle exclaimed. (a/n: took it from cinemasins also)

"This has got to be the weidest movie I have ever seen." Falco sighed as he watched Edward stare the rapists down, "I don't think that would ever happen in real life."

The movie went on, "Well, that's smooth. 'You're like my personal brand of heroin.' Psh, Edward! That is not how you hit on girls! Stop being so bipolar! Do you want her or not?!" Alice shouted at the TV and we burst out laughing.

"It's almost as bad as PMS-ing girls! You sure he's not a female?" Jared taunted.

"Shush, shush." We continued to bash the movie, until we just lay there, enjoying each other's presence, throwing popcorn at each other and recalling old memories.

"Psh, you are my life now, yeah Edward, that's nice, considering you're dead, yeah?" Alice rolled her eyes.

"Well, I had fun. Man, I love you guys!" Belle exclaimed and hugged all four of us.

"We love you too!" The twins laughed, their laugh was contagious, making us laugh as well.

I smiled at the memory, 'I'll protect you next time, Belle. I promise.'

Then the wind howled again, with a tinkling determined voice, "Yeah! I'll protect them! No matter what!"

I smiled and continues to watch the sunset.

Rejected Angel [ r e - w r i t i n g ] [rough draft]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora