Chapter 4-It's Bad

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*unedited (not yet rewritten)

"Belle, darling. I love you, but first, you're a red wolf, and if that wasn't bad enough, you have wings! Black angel wings!" Alice shrieked.

"Red wolf, black wings. It all fits. It fits the prophecy." Falco whispered, what prophecy was he talking about?

"Come on Belle. We're headed to our place." Alice decided and we took of like that.


"Here." Alice chirped, handing me some clothes for me to change into. I ran behind a tree, shifted, and changed into the clothes given to me. Once I was dressed, I stepped out and then was tackled Into a hug by none other than Alice.

"Belle! I've missed you!" Alice exclaimed and pulled me into a hug.

"It's only been a few hours Alice." I stated

"I know, but I still missed you." She said with a big smile.

"Alright. Now. Can anyone explain to me what the hell I am?" I questioned

Everyone stayed silent until Falcon drew in a sharp breath.

"Okay. There used to be an old prophecy or poem that was supposedly used for old hero stories.

*it sounds stupid but bear with it till I think up of somthing better than this, thanks*

'Fur red as blood, wings as dark as night,

She can save us from evil's might but,

Watch as she suffers and watch as she falls ,

Watch as rises from the ashes once more (credits to @-unspokenwords thanks girl)

She will be our salvation and she will be our strength

Or will she be or destruction and will she be our death'

That's how it goes. I thought it was just nothing, not until you put two and two together." Falco explained.

"So? What does this mean?" I asked. I was confused.

"Your wolf is part angel. You're going to break everything that happened a hundred of years ago."

"What happened? The last people to hear of what truly happened where in my great grandfather's generation! Who the hell knows what really happened?" I cried out, irritated.

"We do." Alice said simply

"Wait. What? When were you guys even changed?" I asked, shocked.

"Somewhere in the nineteen hundreds. That's when it all started. The king of vampires, Kruxium, was best friends with your highest ranking Royale, werewolves. Maxium. So of course, no secrets were unknown. They shared everything. Life was good.

"Until things started getting bad. Kruxium wanted power. He wanted to rule us all. He was trying to experiment. He wanted to create a half vampire, half werewolf. And you know what vampire venom does to you guys. It'll literally burn you alive.

"He started experimenting and Maximus had to stop. Kruxium wouldn't allow that. Voila a war started between us, then suddenly one night, Maximus disappeared. Just like that. Poof! He was last seen headed towards Kruxium's castle. We never really know what happened to Maximus. Werewolves just assumed he killed him."

"So now that a war is starting, I'm supposed to reunite werewolves and vampires and stop this ridiculous war?" I said summing it up.

"Yes. You were destined for it." Alice chimed.

"But, I'm just a pathetic rejected werewolf that no one needs! How the hell am I supposed to be this angel?"

"You know you're more than that Belle. You're going to change everything. And we'll be there every step of the way to guide and help you. We'll do this as a family." Falco said without a single trace doubt.

"Thank you guys so much." I whispered and hugged them all.

"If we're going to do this, we have to get you far from here. We need to train you and you still have powers to discover." Jake and Jared said together.

"I- I'm seriously getting out of this hell hole?" I asked brightly.

They chuckled. "Yes Belle. We're finally getting you out of this place."

"C'mon! Pack your bags guys!" Jake shouted and everyone ran to their rooms.

"Wait! What about my stuff?" I asked.

"Belle. You're part of us now. You're now family. So, don't worry. We have enough money to last a century. So don't worry. We'll buy you new clothes and everythings once we get you the hell out of here." Alice chirped

"Thanks. It's been so long since I felt like I actually had a family." I smiled softly.




Where the fuck is that bitch?!


"Alpha?" My beta called.

"What?!" I snarled.

"The trackers couldn't find any trace of Belle. Her scent disappears right at our borders. She's entered vampire territory. The only  bad this is the bloodsucker's scents also disappeared. Poof!"

I screamed and punched the wall.

"That bitch! When we find her, she's dead."

Rejected Angel [ r e - w r i t i n g ] [rough draft]Where stories live. Discover now