Chapter 2 ✰ Lie

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'Ruby you have to help me. I'm revealing a decade's worth of feelings to Neal tonight. What if I clam up? What if I make a fool of myself? What if...' I rattled as Ruby looked through my clothes.

'Shh, I'm here to help you out. You just need to walk in there feeling great and I brought just the right thing'

She grabbed her bag and pulled out a beautiful black dress with golden details and white wedges. The dress was short but sexy and had a sexy opening just below the breasts. It was something I would never wear, but it seemed perfect for this evening. 'Try it on!' she said as she pushed the dress into my hands. I took it from her and quickly changed my clothes. I always liked casual clothes, but I had never felt this sexy before.

'Ruby, you're the best. I feel great!

She smiled as she looked at every detail. 'You look great too! See, you just needed a little confidence boost.'

'I'm so ready to slay this party!' I have never been a party animal, but everything felt good and for the first time, I was really looking forward to a party. We spent the rest of the day picking out an outfit for Ruby. At the beginning of the evening, it was finally time to go to the casting party. Once we arrived there it was already crowded with people. Ruby and I were just focusing on one thing: finding Neal. We strolled through the big garden where the party was hosted when suddenly Ruby grabbed my arm. 

'Target acquired' she whispered. Neal stood there. Surrounded by a lot of girls, laughing hard and talking a lot.

Ruby grabbed my arm more firmly. 'Okay, so you tell Neal you're madly in love with him... He sweeps you into an epic embrace... Then Killian Jones notices and picks you both for the show!'

I nodded slowly. The plan had sounded way better when we first talked about it. I looked around the garden. 'Where is Killian though?'

Out of a sudden, a huge black Jeep with blinded windows arrived at the party. Of course, Killian was the one who came out of the car and walked casually towards the party.

'OMG, THERE HE IS!' some girls shouted in unison.

'Holy...' Ruby whispered in disbelief

'Killian's arrived. Security, standby in the meet and greet area' his bodyguard said through a walkie-talkie while the other security guy was trying to keep all the girls in position. I expected him to be surrounded by girls, but this overwhelmed me. A line of couples was forming and I started to panic when the security told us that Killian was only gonna be there for 15 minutes.

Ruby seemed to be shocked as well. 'Since when is everyone in a relationship?!'

'15 minutes?! Ruby, we don't have much time!'

Ruby looked confused. 'But Em, you said your goal was to tell Neal how you feel. If you talk to him, you might not have time to meet Killian.'

I really didn't know what to do. 'But the guard said the line is couples only!'

Ruby thought for a minute. 'We could pretend that we are dating? Or you could always just get in line by yourself.'

I sighed. 'It's time for Neal to find out about my feelings.'

Ruby smiled proudly. 'That's the spirit girl! Let's go talk to Neal!'

'I'm so ready for this!' I said as excited as possible. I was dying on the inside but I couldn't show her how I really felt.

She laughed hard. 'I bet. You've been suppressing your feelings for Neal a whole decade'

'I just need to figure out what to say.'

She wrapped her arms around me and took me in a firm embrace. 'Neal is your oldest friend. The right words will come.'

'You're right. Thanks, Ruby'. I took a deep breath and fixed my hair before I turned around to go to Neal. I felt my knees become weaker and weaker when I walked closer to him.

'Neal, can I talk to you?'

'Emma, you're here! I think I'm supposed to be holding this spot, but... You're more important than that' he said while he stepped out of the line for Killian.

'I'm so glad you made it' he said shyly.

'Same' I whispered as I tried to avoid his gaze.

'I'm so glad we're both here, you know. We've known each other for so long and now we're Seniors and everything is about how different our lives will be by next year. It's going to be hard, not seeing you every day.'

This was my shot. 'Neal, there is something I've been wanting to tell you... well, for a while, really.' I recognized the confused look on his face. 'And I know that if I don't do it now, I'm going to regret it forever...' I continued, but I got interrupted. Regina ran over to Neal and kissed him passionately.

'Neal! I was the last person who got to meet Killian and I think he's gonna choose us for his show!' she yelled.

I was shocked by all the feelings and new information I just received. 'Wha... what's...' I stammered.

Regina turned around and folded her arms in front of her. 'Back off from my boyfriend, will you?'

'Boyfriend?' I tried to ask, my face as straight as possible.

'I didn't want you to find out like this' Neal tried.

I sighed and Regina clearly noticed my disappointment. 'What's wrong, Emma? Didn't know Neal and I started dating this summer?'

I didn't want to give her this victory so I tried to hide the fact that I was shocked and disappointed. 'What? No... nothing's wrong. In fact, I'm great. Everything is great.'

'You sure?' Regina said loudly. People seemed to get curious and started to surround our conversation.

'Regina, come on. You don't need to intimidate her' Neal tried to calm her down.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. 'Aw, but she makes it so easy. She's just so pitifully single.'

At that moment I was filled with anger and about to explode. 'I... I'm dating someone' I blurted out.

Regina sniffed. 'Oh yeah? Who?'

Remember that harmless lie I told you about? The one that started this whole mess? Well, this is it...

'I'm dating Killian Jones' I said as I crossed my arms in front of me.

Regina was shocked at first but recovered herself quickly. 'Killian Jones? Then why didn't he talk to you at all tonight?'

I started to get a bit more comfortable in this lie. 'In case you couldn't tell, he was a little busy tonight with his show.'

People started to laugh, including Regina. 'Oh yeah? Prove it!'

Police station

'So you claimed you were dating Killian Jones in front of your entire class?' the detective asked doubtfully.

I nodded. 'That was the lie that started everything.'

'Are you saying the victim would still be alive if you hadn't told that lie?'

'Maybe, yeah. Meeting Killian made all the secrets come out.' 

IT STARTED WITH A LIE ✰ CAPTAIN SWANWhere stories live. Discover now