Chapter 15 - The Fan Signing

Start from the beginning

The girls and the fans who were watching in front of the stage were laughing pretty hard at the sight.

The "signing" part of the fan signing was over, and most of the girls stood up and went to the front of the stage to greet the fans. Jihyo started:

"Well, all of us will come to the front of the stage to thank you... eventually, ALL of us will do that." She chuckled and the fans laughed with her.

"...but as you can see, some of us are still working" she then pointed to Dahyun and Tzuyu who were still signing some merchandise, "...and some of us are still children." She then pointed to Momo and Chaeyoung who were in the background on the other side of the stage, still whacking each other on the head with rubber and plush toys.

The sight was still amusing to everyone in the room. While Jihyo was talking, Tzuyu and Dahyun started to talk among themselves while they were signing their last autographs for that day:

"Hey, wanna go join the front part of the stage, or the back?" Tzuyu asked quietly while gently pointing to the ongoing "match" between Chaeyoung and Momo.

Dahyun lifted her head, looked at both sides and smiled. She then answered quietly:

"Well, I do wanna say "hi" to everyone once again, but-"

"...but the hammers look like a lot of fun?" Tzuyu grinned as she finished her sentence.

"Bingo! You got this one right." They both chuckled. "But let's not do it too long, I want to say "hi" eventually."

"No problem, m'lady." Tzuyu joked and they both got up to play with Momo and Chaeyoung.

"Well, aren't these fun?" Tzuyu laughed as she was gently hitting Dahyun.

"They really are, and so soft!" Dahyun turned around giggling. Tzuyu saw an opportunity and used the plush hammer to hit Dahyun's butt. She hit her a bit harder than usual. Everyone who noticed it from afar, laughed. Momo and Chaeyoung ignored it.

Tzuyu on the other had noticed something that was worth asking.

"Did you just... Did you just lick your lips and bite your lower lip when I spanked you with this hammer?" She asked quietly.

Oh shit! Shit! She noticed. I turned around and I forgot to cover up!

"I... I..." Dahyun was basically stuttering.

"Dahyun." Tzuyu was serious.

"Okay, fine," she was caught "I did do that" she said almost in an apologetic tone, like she was sorry she did it.

"Oho... Ohoho!" Tzuyu grinned. "We're gonna talk when we get home." She playfully smiled and hit Dahyun lightly on the head. She then winked at her and took her hand to move them to the front of the stage so that they could greet the fans.

Welp. I'm screwed. I don't know if it'll be metaphorically or literally today, but I'm screwed. Dahyun was nervous, but excited at the same time.

Oho! Oh Hyunie-bee! Tzuyu mused to herself as she took the microphone to greet the fans. Soon afterwards, they all made a little speech and the event was over.

"So... I think we have the rest of the day free... So... What do you want to do?" Mina asked as they were all getting into one big car this time. Half of the girls expressed the desire to go around town and generally relax.

"Well, I will join you later, but first I wanna get home and take a bubble bath, I haven't done that in a while." Jeongyeon spoke.

"Oh! That's a great idea" Jihyo spoke.

"Alone, Jihyo." Jeongyeon chuckled and everyone laughed.

"I knew that!" Jihyo was defensive but laughed as well.

"Well, I'll be heading home too, I need to get a book I forgot so that I can read it in peace while I'm in the park." Nayeon spoke.

"Can I join you in the park? I wanted to read a book too, it's so sunny outside, it will be really nice just to relax." Mina asked.

"Sure!" Nayeon answered with a smile.

"What about you two?" Jeongyeon asked Dahyun and Tzuyu who were quiet for most of the ride.


"Yeah, chilling in the room, maybe listen to some music." they both answered. They kept calm so as not to be suspicious. Tzuyu, at least. Oh yeah, you better not go out with them, you are definitely staying with me.

Dahyun on the other hand was thinking: I don't want to wait till the end of the day to see what Tzuyu is planning. The anticipation would have killed me. No! I have to know now. Even if it is scary, I have to know now. I'm glad she decided to go home too.

The car first stopped at the center, dropping off Sana, Momo, Chaeyoung and Jihyo.

"See you later!" was heard from the car as the girls waved at each other.

As soon as they got home, Jeongyeon went to the bathroom to fill up the tub. She also put her phone with some speakers in the bathroom so that she could listen to some music.

Mina and Nayeon picked up their books and were soon out of the mansion once again.

Tzuyu was holding Dahyun's arm, waiting for everyone to leave them alone, so that she could talk to Dahyun in the privacy of their room. As soon as Mina and Nayeon left the mansion, and as soon Jeongyeon closed the door of the bathroom, Tzuyu pulled Dahyun into their bedroom and closed the door.

She then turned around:

"So, you lied?" she said playfully.

Dahyun gulped and you could definitely hear it.

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