Me: Yoona!

Irene: Where are you?!

*Yoona has left the group*

Me: What?!

Irene: What happened?! Why?

I added her again but she left the group again

I tried calling her but never picked up, something's wrong. Jimin

I was about to text Jimin when I received a text from Taehyung

Taehyung: We are coming over

Me: Why?!

Taehyung: Something important

Me: Can you ask Jimin if Yoona's with him because Yoona's not responding any of my texts

Taehyung: Open the door

I rushed towards the door and opened it revealing Jungkook, Taehyung and a gloomy Jimin

They all entered and I closed the door "Why are you all here? And where's Yoona, Irene?"

"Irene's on her way and Yoona.." Taehyung paused 

"Yoona what!?"

"Yoona's not coming " I frowned 

"Why not!?" I glanced at Jimin who had no emotions on his face

"That's why we are here! Let's just wait for Irene" suddenly the bell rang and I rushed towards the door again, opening it

"Hey" I greeted her

"So why am I here and where is Yoona?" Irene asked as both entered the living room

"I broke up with her" Jimin announced, anger rushed in my body

"Let me explain!" he continued 

"Go on!" I said annoyingly 

"She kissed another guy, in a dark alley. I saw her! When I was waiting for Tae and kookie outside the Gucci store. I could't see the guy's face properly but I knew it was Yoona. I ca-" I couldn't take it anymore. I walked up to him slapped him across his face

"You fucking asshole! Idiot, dumb ass, dickhead! Piece of shit!" I yelled at him

"I have another present for you Park Jimin!" Irene said and slapped him on his other cheek

"How could you just jump to conclusion!?" I yelled 

"Calm do-" Taehyung tried to comfort me but I cut him off

"No! I'm done with this shit!" I said, tears gathering in my eyes making my vision blurry

"Let me tell you what exactly happened! We were shopping in a store when Yoona said she'll be back. She left the store and we waited for her to comeback, after like ten minutes I texted her to make sure she was okay but she didn't text me back. So me and Irene started looking for her and when we found her.." I paused, taking a deep breath

"She was struggling from the person's tight grip and tears were running down her eyes, that person was Baekhyun. His one hand was holding her thigh and the other one was holding her wrists tightly. I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed a heavy wooden piece and smacked it on his head. He hurt my best friend...again" My tears started falling down my eyes 

"I kicked him in the balls and we left him there, Yoona told me not tell you because she didn't want to you to worry, and stress over it. You asshole!" I screamed once again

"Oh.." Jimin replied and lowered his head

"Oh? That's your reaction!? Wow Park Jimin way to go!" Irene said and clapped her hands, shaking her head in disblief

"Get out of here! If you can't make my friend happy, don't fucking talk to us!" I said and ran upstairs to my room along with Irene

"I'll try texting her" I said and grabbed my phone to text Yoona

Me: I really wish I could hug you right now instead of this text message. I know you must be feeling devastated right now. Know that I'm always here for you! Please respond! 

She read the text but never responded back, she needs time. Park Jimin I fucking hate for all of this!

Yoona's POV

I feel broken, my life looks so dull, I can't move, my body feels numb. 

"What did I do!?" I screamed as tears were falling down my eyes

I received a text from Jenny once again but I ignored it, I don't wanna talk to anyone! Everyone is betraying me. 

"I can't live without you Park Jimin! Please come back!" I cried harder, I feel like throwing up

You broke my heart, I'm never forgiving you. I still love you but I hate you for hurting me, for breaking my hear. I trusted you but you broke my trust.

I heard a soft knock on my door "Get out of here!"

"Yoona, please open the door I'm sorry!" I ignored that voice


Suddenly I had the urge to throw up badly, I rushed in the bathroom and threw up in the toilet, I flushed the toilet and walked outside

I heard some keys shuffling and the door opened revealing the one and only Park Jimin "What do you want now?" 

He was about to come in but I blocked his way "Yoona, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything!" 

"Jenny told me everything, I'm such a bad person, hit me, slap me! I deserve it!" he apologized but got no reaction from me

"Yoona I lo-" I cut him off

"Park Jimin, you're dead to me"  


Hope you enjoyed, Love you! *nervously walks away*

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