Chapter 2:Drive through

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"Chloe." She said after a moment. The punk still didn't speak, but lifted her head as a sign of acknowledgment. It frustrated her a bit, but she knew she just wanted to hear Chloe's voice for comfort reasons. If Chloe didn't feel like talking, she didn't have to.

Dammit Max. She just lost what's left of her family. Because of you. Because of herself.

"Where do we go?" She asked, feeling panic set in. Chloe seemed to be hit with the realization as well. They did have the handicapped fund. If they rationed it out, it'd enough for a couple nights at a hotel room, some food, but not for cigarettes or camera film. Elements of the past, comforts, would have to be sacrificed just for them to survive. Should they go to Seattle? To her parents?

Yeah, that'll go great Max. "Hey Mom, hey Dad, this is Chloe. You know. My girlfriend? Oh yeah, I'm gay. Surprise!"

You're also a murderer.

Chloe was at a loss for words, having nothing to offer. Max took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She couldn't help but imagine the awkward family dinners, the tip-toeing they would have to do around her parents. The new life they would have to start..


Together, it didn't seem so bad. Even if it would be hard, if they really tried, it would be worth it.

Wouldn't that get a little...toxic?

What? No...

I don't...

Think so?

"-We could go to Seattle. To my parents house. I know they'd let us stay until we...get ourselves together."

But what would they tell them? How could they explain the nose bleeds, the fainting, the headaches, all the things that happened even if she wasn't rewinding. The side effects of it were the most intense they had ever been after five days of use. Even right now, making a coherent thought was a struggle. Chloe thought for a moment, then finally spoke up.

"What do we tell them? We..." She voiced Max's thoughts, or at least half of them. It wasn't stand offish, just blunt like she always was."It'll be really fucking wierd, but I think it's our only option."

"Agreed...but yeah, it's our best bet." The blue haired girl nodded, strands of mettalic colored hair plastered to her forehead from presentation. The sun shone behind her, highlighting her pale skin. She leaned on her elbow against the window, her usual position as she drove. Max's gaze softened, her heart beat strong in her chest.

She's alive. And she's here, with you.

"What will they say when they see me? After all this time..." She actually smiled a bit."It's gonna be quite a shock."

"Oh yes. Although, I have no doubt they'll treat you the same. They always loved you." Max smiled as well, giving the punk a light shove on the shoulder.

The moment was short lived as a creak rang out around them, a crash like thunder making them both look around for the source of the sound. Chloe slowed down the truck to a crawl. In the distance, they both caught sight of a bill board, split into ribbons, lose it's grip on it's own foundation and spilling out into the road. The splintered wood stuck up like crooked nails, blocking their path through town.

"Fuck.." Chloe said, sitting back in her seat."How are we gonna get around this?"

Max bit her lip, feeling slight pain as she did so. Her lip was split, wind chapped, but she bit harder."Get as close as you can, and I'll rewind before it can fall-"

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