Chapter 11: We cant let it fall apart yet

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TW: blood, violence, language.


Rachel had opted to not come back with them. That hurt a little bit, and she felt like it was her fault, but deep down she was still pissed off. Immensely.

Rachel kissed Chloe. Her Chloe, not her Chloe. Her, Max, her Chloe. Chloe was honest with her about it, which was great but.. what the fuck was happening? This high school petty shit? She didn't sign up for this and she'd never been through anything like it. Having a high school experience wasn't something she thought she would ever get after breaking the world, but here she was. Sitting in Chloe's room, pissed and feeling petty. Like she wanted to hit someone.

It didn't feel like her. She was never this mad, never let anything eat her up this much, but when it came to Chloe, she knew what she would do. Break the world.

Maybe it was frustrating because it was so much more simple. She didn't know how to handle people, or many relationships, or dating someone's ex.

Chloe had been pretty quiet, calling to her every now and then but then resuming playing Minecraft in her laptop. Max was reading, but she had quickly lost interest. School still just didn't matter to her, and her head throbbed trying to take in all the text before her. Fuck chemistry, fuck life. It's like she was still waiting for something terrible to happen.

Wouldn't that be exciting?

No, but I would know what to do with it. What do I do with Rachel?

Why would I know?

Why wouldn't you know?! You started this.

You always think I'm joking, Max.

She blinked, peering again at Chloe, who had been saying her name.

"You good?"


"Oh, Um.. is this a bad time?"

"Nah we're done. What was it?"

"Oh I asked if you wanted to go get some food." Chloe perked up, wrapping her arms around her chair and leaning."I know it's kind of late but I want some food and maybe some alcohol?" She pondered. Max sat there, nodding, and then made a split second decision."Yeah, me too."

"To both?" Hopeful. She laughed at the sight.

"Both." Chloe stood right up, getting her to stand as well, excited bouncing energy and bright eyes.

"Who would've thought? Super Max searching for a buzz. That's hot!"

"It is not-" But she was interrupted by her own laughs and Chloe's hand in hers, leading her down the stairs.

"If Rachel can drown out her problems, so can we." She said, and Chloe hummed in agreement.

"Absolutely. Road works two ways, after all."

They pulled into a very familiar gas station, truck crawling to a stop and dying like it usually did. Chloe hopped it out, telling her to stay put. It didn't take much time, Chloe came back out with a case of beer and a bottle of wine she assumed. She was excited, flinging open the door while balancing all her stuff, shoving it into Max's arms as soon as she could.

"I lied. I do have one friend in Arcadia, and that would be that blessed fucker Tim. Never cards me, ever!" She laughed, putting her seatbelt on."Too easy."

"Probably because you look like, twenty two for one, and then he might think you're hot."

"Well I am hot, right?"

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