18 | Life of the Dead

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"When finals just around the corner? Well, she is smart after all. She doesn't need to study much," added Alyssa.

"What happened to ... the person who..." Wyatt asked. He always has been in love with Adelaide. He was angry when he knows what happened and he wishes to end his own teacher for being careless.

"I killed him," Sasha simply said while her student looks at each other. They were all thinking about the same question, did she really just killed her own brother?

"Miss Sasha, you do realise that my father is a police officer and if we told him about this, you'll be in jail for it," Elizabeth, daughter of the city police superintend said.

"He can arrest me all he wants but my mother will make sure I'm out of it in ... I don't know... a few hours?" Sasha smirk.

"What is your plan now, Miss? Who knows she might get preg...." before Clayton could finish his sentences, Alyssa smacks the back of his head, telling him it's not something he should be asking.

"Pregnant? That depends on her. If she wishes to keep it, keep it, if she wants to get rid of it, that's her choice. Any girl doesn't want to be reminded of the person who raped her," Sasha turned to her male students with an intense glare.

"If any of you boys seduce a woman, remember this in your thick skull. If you make a girl pregnant, never leave her because if you do, I'll be coming to get your fucking head. Don't think once you graduated, you'll be leaving my grasp, boys and girls. I have eyes everywhere," of course Sasha was just playing but her students took it seriously.

"Now, get back to work or ill skin you alive!"

"YES, MA'AM!" Sasha smiled when her students listened to her rather than lazy around.

"There's no harm in inflicting fear to underage students, right?" She asked herself while shrugging her shoulder.


When Silas finally wakes up from his slumber, he was surprised that his hands were chained on the bed with machines all over him. As he tried to remembered what happened to him, his brain hurts even more.

"Hi there," Valentine smiled at him while waving his hand.

"You... what are you doing here? Laughing at me while I'm bound?" Valentine shrugged his shoulder.

"This is my home. You're currently inside my basement with MY medical team using MY equipment and MY money to survive," Silas scoffed, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Why am I here? I thought Sasha had finished me," Valentine smiled before showing Silas a few files that Natalia had left him.

"You need to sign this agreement so Natalia won't have your head as a decoration in her office," Silas cringe when Valentine mentioned her wife's name.

"What? Divorce papers? Good. I'll sign everything she wants me too," Silas smiled as Valentine showed him the agreement. As he reads it, his eyes widen.

"What... this is not a divorce paper! This is an agreement that stating I agree to transfer my wealth in her name!" Valentine looks at it before patting Silas's shoulder.

"What do you think it is? You really think Natalia will keep you alive because she loves you and because of she afraid of the prenup agreement? No way man, she's only letting you alive because she wants everything that YOU own because of HER hard work," Silas was in rage.

"SHE'S MY WIFE! It's the wife's job to make the husband satisfy! She's a bitch who should be here, taking care of me! Where is that whore?" Silas was speechless when Gustow suddenly appeared by the door staring at him.

Forbidden Love (GirlxGirl) (TeacherXStudent)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt