•Chapter 10: Sweet Sensations•

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"Hey, Ashley!" he says, smiling. I have a feeling this conversation can go many different ways.

"Um... Hey Wyatt."

"How's your first day back?"

I begin fiddling with my juice and plaster a smile on my face. It's been boring as hell but I don't want him to know that. "It's been really good so far!"

"That's awesome! I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me?"

Ummm... what?

I definitely did not expect that. I look over at his table, filled to the brim with his football friends and the kids who think they're cool but actually look dumb because they try too hard.

Yeah, I'd rather not.

"Sorry, but I'm already sitting somewhere else," I say, hoping that it'll get him off my case.

This sparks his attention. "With who?"

What the hell? Why does it matter to him?

I don't want to continue on with the conversation any longer and I need to take my pills, so I follow my contingency plan.

I bolt.

"I really need to go. She's waiting for me!" I reply, running out.

Apparently I'm hanging out with some random chick now.

Maybe it's not the most eloquent method to make him leave me alone, but it works!

I run to the back of the building and swallow my pills after eating my sandwich. As the day goes on, I find out that I don't have any other classes with Wyatt. This makes my life so much easier.

When the final bell rings, I see Wyatt, Joe and their football friends, chatting by the entrance. They look over at me, but I look away.

Day one: complete.

♕. ♕.♕. ♕.♕. ♕.♕. ♕.♕. ♕.

Telling Wyatt Silverstone that I've been with some girl every lunch is probably the best decision I've ever made as it's kept him off my trail for over a month. That still hasn't stopped some of his annoying friends from cat calling and openly checking me out. Pigs.

Luckily, within that time, I've successfully managed to plot the second part of my revenge plan.

It's November 1st and I'm so ready for Thanksgiving break already. I stayed in for Halloween, too lazy to get a costume. Not even Rosie could convince me to go to a party. I was too preoccupied with sitting on my ass and eating the candy my mom bought for the trick-or-treaters.

My nose is a bit runny because the temperature has dropped a little, but it's just a common cold. Unfortunately for me, it's also that time of the month, meaning that every time I sneeze, Niagara Falls decides to wash its way into my pants.

I plant a kiss on my mom's forehead before leaving for school.

A chill runs down my spine. It's a bit colder outside than I thought. The frigid wind is blowing through my hair and causing goosebumps down my back, making the trek to school a bit gruelling. I've been so used to warm weather that the early winter is taking a toll on me.

Everyone at school is also completely bundled up. It seems I'm not the only person from Southern California who has trouble handling fifty degree temperatures. Many people are saying that this could be the coldest day the area has had in twenty years. Luckily, the temperature is supposed to shoot back up to sixty-five tomorrow.

Sweet RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora