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After eating dessert Bando just kept looking at me making me blush.

"Why you keep staring at me" I asked blushing .

"Your just so Beautiful you know that"

"Yeah I know " I flipped my hair and he rolled his eyes then her grab my hands.

"These pass months I got to know you I grew to really like you , you're different from a lot of girls . You hold your own , don't let nobody disrespect you, classy and ratchet I like that and I was wondering would you like to be my woman not girlfriend because we to grown for that " Bando said looking into my eyes.

"Hmmm let me think about it " I said moving my hands under my chin looking up like I was think.

He laughed at me and licked his lips.

"I guess I can be your woman" I smiled and he came close to my faces.

"Oh you guess huh?" He said moving closer.

"Yeah" he kissed me then lick my bottom lip for access to add tongue . The kiss lasted for about 5 minutes till we break apart.

We left the restaurant and he rolled me back to my uncles house. After he drop me off I went upstairs to take a shower and laid down. I received a text from 3 people.

Bandi😻💦: Night Bae 😘 I'll see you when I get back down here next week ❤️
Big K👅❤️:Night 😊 call me tomorrow ❤️
Bandi😻💦: You get it 😌

I went to text back the next person.

CuzzyWuuzy❤️: I'll meet you at you house tomorrow ‼️
Fave1️⃣: good because I got to get out keys made

Yes Lyric is moving in with me because she's my manager and plus I can't live in that big ass house by myself.

BigKuz💰‼️: I'll stop by your house around 4 tomorrow to see the new place and for you to cook your famous steak and greens 😋
LilKuzo😎: bye Marcus go sleep damn always want a nigga to cook find a girlfriend
BigKuz💰‼️: why find a girlfriend when I have my wonderful lil kuzo 😂❤️
LilKuzo😎: can't stand you bye 😂

I put my phone on the charger and turn my tv off than went to sleep smiling. I have a boyfriend again I hope he's not like King.


I got up and took care of my hygiene things then got dress.  I went down stairs to open the door for the movers. They was almost finish when Biggie came.

"Wassup Kamiya looks like I'm your bodyguard now for work and off work thanks to your uncle " Biggie said hugging me.

"Yeah he just want to make sure I'm safe when he's not around but I'm good " I said walking to my car .

"I know but your safety is what's good plus the money your uncle paying me ima he rich" biggie said and I laughed.

The movers just get finished with my things and biggie got in his truck to follow me to my house . When we got there Lyric car was outside with another mover truck to gate waiting on me I put in the pin and told her and biggie only.

 When we got there Lyric car was outside with another mover truck to gate waiting on me I put in the pin and told her and biggie only

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Okay my room is the master room all the way up to the top you can take the elevator or stairs " I told my movers.

"My room is second floor all the way to the back black door" Lyric told her movers.

After an hour of moving our things in me and her went house shopping. I got her key mad and two more one to put up then one for Biggie.

We've been back home for 1 hour now I was just looking around the house. This house has a master bedroom was the entire top floor. On the second for a mini master bedroom with a bathroom then has 4 other bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, the first floor has 3 bedroom 1 bathroom and a half bathroom but there's also a theater room , game room , gym and living room plus kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen to a phone call from my father.

Me: hello daddy
Victor: hey baby girl you got settled yet
Me: yeah I'm about to now
Victor: that's good I'll be stopping by to check on you
Me: mhmm you just want a home cook meal
Victor: *chuckled* yeah that too see you tonight
Me: see you later daddy

As soon as I hang up a beep sound went through the house letting me know it someone at the gate. I check the camera and saw that it was Marcus I opened the gates for him. Few seconds later a knock came to the door. I open it and let him in .

"Wassup lil kuzo " he said coming in hugging me .

"Nothing just about to cooking " I said walking to the kitchen.

"You ain't start yet "

"Nigga I was moving into a new house that is big as shit" I rolled my eyes.

"Kamiya when dinner gone be done" Lyric asked walk into the kitchen.

She look at Marcus for a few seconds then looked back at me grinning.

"In about a hour damn y'all some hungry ass people tell biggie that to when you go back in the game room" I said starting .

"Damn Lyric I don't get a hi " Marcus smirked. I know I wasn't shit they got to be having something going on between them.

"Bye Marcus " she said walking out and he followed.

It's been an hour and I'm finally finished cooking. Just as I was about to tell the others a beep sound through the house. I check the camera and saw a car I haven't seen before so I speak into the intercom.

"Who are you and what you want?" I asked.

"It's me baby girl open up" my dad said.

I open the gate for him and let him in the house.

"When did you get a new car? I haven't seen this one more" I said as we walked to the game room.

"I got it while you was on tour needed something this year you know" he said.

"Yeah dad , dinners ready y'all come on" I said.

After everybody fix their plates we sat down and ate. When they was done Marcus left , then my dad, Biggie left making sure I set the alarm. I went upstairs and fall asleep as soon as I hit my bed .

The Plug's NieceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ