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Written 1974

©2018, Olan L. Smith

Down to the deepest depth of Sheol reaches my soul.

Seemingly weighted I cannot ascend.

Stuck for an eternity, surrounded by an eerie darkness,

I reach for someone to grab, but am unable to move.

Alone in the abode of the dead!

My soul floats in the dreamy darkness of death.

My soul reaches unable to move,

My soul cries unable to speak.

My soul seeks unable to find.

From the deepest depths of Sheol cries my soul,

Yahweh, why have you forsaken me!

Do not forsake me Yahweh,

Was I not your child?

Did I not worship you?

Did I not go to church and listen to your prophets?

Yahweh, my God, I surrender.

Into your hands I commend my spirit.


A tad,

Then bundles,

light deluges.

People surround me,

Smiles grace their expressions,

And their love overflows my soul.

Welcome home my son, are his words

For you were misplaced and now are found.

(A.N. This is one of my first poems written, dated 1974. A friend tells me I was writing poetry in 1973, but I don't remember any before 1974. I've edited this by changing the shape, and removing the concluding stanza.)

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