Chapter 13 - The Dance Rehearsal

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"Oh, yeah, no, sure, let's do it." Tzuyu accepted happily.

Dahyun was on her back, lying, as Tzuyu was pushing her leg towards her and Dahyun would push back. They did this slowly while looking directly into each other's eyes. After a couple of pushes, they both started to chuckle as they were still doing the motions.

"This kinda looks..." Dahyun started to speak.

"This kinda looks like sex." Tzuyu said with a smile. They both laughed, but never stopped pushing.

"Girl, I don't know how you do sex..." She paused. They both laughed again.

Tzuyu started to lean in closer and closer while she was pushing Dahyun's legs, while also checking if any of the other members were looking at them. Their faces were only a couple of feet away from each other, but Tzuyu made it look like it wasn't suspicious. They could both feel their breath tensing along with the situation they were in.

"If you..." Tzuyu pushed. "...didn't want to..." She pushed again.

"...say..." she pressed a bit harder now. "...that this looks like sex..." She kept talking between pushes. "...then what..." She pushed faster "... does it look like?"

As she pushed that last time, she pressed against Dahyun's leg pretty hard and leaned in her body very close to Dahyun's, but again, not close enough to make anything suspicious.

Dahyun let out a moan because of what Tzuyu just did. It wasn't a very loud moan, but it was audible. They looked at each other concerned that this might look awkward to their band mates. They turned around, and luckily, again, Momo and Chaeyoung were being louder than before as they were still having their tickle fights.

Tzuyu turned around to face Dahyun again, still being in that close position that they were before:

"You bad girl." Dahyun gulped and it was visible she was nervous when she heard Tzuyu say that.

"Listen." Tzuyu leaned in and whispered. "This is today's deal. I will touch you. I will grab your ass! She paused, but soon continued: It seems childish. Our group members will notice it probably, at least once or twice. But I will play it off as if I'm goofing around. And since we are goofing around today, it won't seem out of place. In the end, it won't seem like a big deal, like I said, it will seem childish." Tzuyu stopped whispering and looked again if anyone else was listening.

Then she rolled over to Dahyun's left side, acting as if she was tired so that no one would suspect anything weird was going on. Their heads were touching and Tzuyu leaned in to whisper into Dahyun's ear. As soon as Dahyun felt Tzuyu's warm breath on her neck and near her ear, her body got stiff. Tzuyu continued:

"But, as you've already experienced yourself, I am a master with my hands, I'm great when it comes to dancing and today I have a chance to work on something until it's perfect. Wanna know what?" Tzuyu giggled seductively which sent shivers down Dahyun's spine and she visibly shook.

"What?" Dahyun asked scared, yet aroused.

"The next time we're going to perform this song in front of our fans is in a couple of days, maybe a week, I'm not sure. But it will be filmed. People will be watching and filming us."

"Yeah, I know." Dahyun barely let out those words, suspecting where this was going.

"I will be grabbing your ass during those filmed performances while everyone is watching. Multiple times. Some times even for a full second or two. It's a fast choreography, I know, but I will perfect it. And I will tease you on stage in front of ALL those people" Tzuyu said the word "all" in a low and husky tone of voice, which made Dahyun let out a quiet whimper.

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