An Awkward Meeting

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Let me start off by explaining who I am. My name is Sarah Price, i'm 19 years old and I live in Portland, Oregon. My home life is alright. I live with my roomate, and she's the one person I can tell anything too. And we share a love for YouTubers. Pj Liguori is one of our favorites. He posted on Twitter that he had came to Portland and we both made a high pitched sqeak noise and I got butterflies in my stomach. I've liked him for a couple of years now, and I always dreamt of meeting him. Although I never thought it would be like this. (Now start of story)

I just finished my shift at the restraunt Sonic (yes I do work there and yes it is a demeaning job) and my feet were a little sore from rolling around all day in my roller skates bringing food out to customers, but its a deacent paying job and its close to where I live, and I only work until 5 o'clock and I get Friday through Sunday off. I clock out and I change into my vans and I start to walk to the bus stop. I start to think about things going on in my life, wondering how my roomate Leah's day was. Thinking about what Im having for dinner. Then I start to recall when me and Leah were both on the couch loosing our ever loving minds when one of our favorite youtubers Kickthepj posted on twitter that he came to Portland yesterday. I've been wanting to meet for a couple of years. Everything about him was fascinating. His voice, his posture, his hair, his eyes. But as I start to get lost in thought, I snap back into reality when I hear the loud exaust from the bus stopping. I get on and give the driver my bus pass. My bus driver is nice older guy, we goof off and shoot the breeze every now and again. He takes my card and looks up to me and says "So how was your day pimp daddy?" We always gave eachother stupid nicknames. "Just another fun filled day at the funny farm, sugar tits" He laughed and gave me my card back. The bus was crowded today so I had to hunt for a seat. I have to make my way to the back of the bus where I find a seat open next to a guy. I get to the seat and then I feel the whole bus bounce up from hitting a pot hole. "WHOA!" Next thing I know I'm falling into the lap of the guy next to me. Now im laying on him with my back to his legs. "Oh my god I am so sorry! I didnt-" I couldnt speak. I didnt get a good look at his face at first because he's wearing a hoodie but now that I see it, Im in shock. I felt the heat radiating from my cheeks, I must look like a tomatoe at this point. He's staring at me smiling but suprised as well. I finally built up the nerve to say something, "Pj?"

Hey guys! This is my first story ever, let me know what you guys think, favorite, follow, and do all that fun stuff. :)

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